Monday, September 30, 2019
Frankenstein Final Essay
Frankenstein Final Essay When referring to the following quote stated by Harold Bloom, â€Å"The greatest paradox and most astonishing achievement of Mary Shelley’s novel is that the monster is more human than his creator. †I agree with his statement because it’s vivid to see that Victor lacked on some human characteristics such as emotions and feelings. Despite the fact that after being treated the way he was by others, the monster seeks revenge for Victor’s abandonment and for making him an unbearable scene to be seen by mankind.Throughout the novel, the creature seeks revenge by killing Victor’s love ones one by one. In Chapter 11 when the monster is telling his tale to Victor he states, â€Å"†¦ but I had hardly placed my foot within the door, before the children shrieked, and one of the women fainted†¦and fearfully took refuge in a low hovel†¦ †Yet, after seeing the dark side of the monster Victor is still un-human for h is abandonment of his creation. It’s a horrible thing to abandon one’s creation and very cruel to leave a defenseless thing roams about by itself in the world and hoping that it will die soon.Victor was wrong to abandon his creation because of its appearances; he didn’t bother to get to know the poor monster. The author did a great job making the reader feel more sorrow for the monster than for Victor. The monster has been attacked and hurt for doing either nothing at all or helping others. What made the monster more human is Victor’s thirst for the secret to expand life. He was too involved in the making of his creation that he stopped at nothing at all. Not even for those bodies that were resting in peace in their grave.The most disturbing aspect of the novel was the part when Victor visit graves in the middle of the night and start detaching several dead body without a sense of hesitation. Every night Victor would visit the cemetery to dig up fresh bod y parts and he would take what he finds back to his lab and reattach them together to make the monster. This is very low for any human being. Referring back to the beginning of the story, the monster was never from the start as a violent, aggressive monster instead he was very sweet and generous. The monster shows far more human qualities then Victor Frankenstein.Like every human being in this planet needs a partner or at least somebody that accept them or love them, this specific trait Victor lacked. Victor also abandoned his family to continue with his creation. He did not once bother to take a minute to write back to his neither father nor Elizabeth. He would much rather keep on working then give time to those that love him. On the other hand, the monster after running away several times, has always wanted someone who loves him for who he is. The creature in fact, expresses his feelings far more than this own creator.Victor was often going insane in his mind and could not describ e his emotion toward Elizabeth or anybody in his case. The monster was very sympathetic towards Victor because even though he dragged him from places to place, the monster always helps him stay alive by providing him food. All and all the creature is definitely more human than his own creator. There are many key traits for being classified as a human. In this case, to be human one must have a heart that feels kindness towards anything, show sympathy and being humane. Even human are not human just because they lacked in multiple traits.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina Essay
There are lots of effects which DotA brings to our society, to be particular, the youth. With no doubt this game is one of the hottest game in the market. In every Cyber Cafe you can see gamers stick with their screen and mouse and keyboard, with their face that full of concentration and excitements finding ways to defeat their opposing team or enemies. Actually Computer games or DotA serves as a platform for youth to communicate. Teenagers who initislly don’t know each other can easily become friends through Computer games or playing DotA. Chapter I Introduction DotA effects have been continue for several years since the launch of the War of War Craft and the Frozen Throne. Almost every people especially the youth has played this game at the very beginning of the years. What is the content that DotA offers to the gamers? And how’s the excitements that brings towards the gamers. And you may ask a key question, how long will DotA effects last? The lifestyle of the youth who have been playing Computer Games especially DotA is affected by the game. There are both advantage and disadvantages for them. Let’s talkl about the advantages first. As one of the most playable games online, DotA can make the players become alert in the mental, They will also turn to be strategic and cooperative through computing the magic, damages, gold, physical reduction, present and other stuff, they will get more lore in mathematics. Thus the youth can also get some benefits on playing Computer games. Statement of the problem or Thesis Statement Why is Computer games or DotA so Addicting to Students? 1. A Time killer Boredom is the most common problem of most people today. DotA can consume a lot of time without you even noticing it . you just say after the game â€Å"WTF !, Im late !†2. Non-exhasuting game Unlike basketball or other physical sports , you can play DotA until you can still mangae to sit, look at the monitor, use mouse and keyboard and think, Yes , using your is aslo tiring but it’ll takes an average of 3 games before you’d want to take a rest 3. Fame Source Most players want to be the best in this game to gain fame which I find natural but technically nonsense. I have to admit that thirst for fame drove me to practice and improve my game. After getting the fame I wanted, I asked myself â€Å"Now what?†. For players who don’t have plan on having DotA as their profession ,Fame isn’t that important. 4. Team work game – When we were kids, we already love having team battles. That’s why a lot of team sports games cames up and multi-player computer games have been invented. Playing with teammates is more addicting than playing alone. 5. Tranquilizing DotA makes you forget your problems and make you think of simpler problems (like how to win the game) 6. Non violent war We love wars. That’s why there are shows like Wrestling, UFC ,Action films , etc. DotA is a chance to engage in wars safely. We can fight all day long and just stand up from our computer without even having a scratch on our face. 7. Easy to play Surveys shows that DotA is played by more people thatn other strategy like Starcraft. One of the reason is its simplicity. You only have to control one hero (great news for people who are not into doing micros.) 8. No height or physical disadvantages In basketball you cannot have a team composed of 5 short players. In Rugby , you should be muscular. In DotA you can be as thin and as short as you want and still own everyone. 9. Losing makes you thirsty to win On the other hand, losing is still addicting because you become more urge to have that wonderful feeling of winning. 10. Winning feels Good Yup, winning in every game makes you feel good and addicting. Background of the Study Significance of the study How to overcome DotA Addiction ? 1. Accept responsibility The problem lies within the individual, not within DotA. No attempt at beating addiction can succeed until the individual accepts its existence. 2. Identify the Impact How many hours a day do you spend playing DotA? Do you normally go out on the weekend?When was the last time you read a book?Identifying the negative impacts of the addiction will help you focus on positive improvements and getting back the things that you really are missing. 3. Avoid Blame Blaming others for problems that you alone must face does not solve the problems. 4. Set limits If you decide that you have 1 hour per day to spend playing DotA. Since DotA requires many hours of gameplay to have fun, you likely should consider a different game or different genre of games. 5. Stay positive Be positive whenever possible. While negative reinforcement is sometimes necessary, positive reinforcements will always go further in the end. What is DotA ? DotA is basically game expanded from version of War of War Craft, which initially a strategic game similar to Red Alert Series. But eventually evolved into current state. Gamers can play Dota in a Wide range ; from single player, local LAN, or LAN over internet connection with various country’s gamers. There contain variety of Heroes to be chosen as your character, There are many type of gaming modes , and different type of map for the game modes. There are lots of gamers who are more expert in the world of playing DotA . Chapter V Summary and Conclusion Summary and Conclusion We know that Playing computer games especially DotA brings bad effects to the students, they influenceed by the other gamers like â€Å"trash talks†they know how to gamble because they are playing DotA for â€Å"pustahan†. DotA really affects the lifestyle of the youth who are into this game, although it has one good benefit, but it corrupts the mind and the way the youth think. It also weakened the body system, money and moral values were not given importance because of this game.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Schools Competency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Schools Competency - Essay Example It is a pervasive perception that test scores do indeed stand to be the viable indicators as to the quality of education and teaching in a school. However, in a pragmatic context, evaluating the competency of a school merely on the bases of test scores is not only a narrow approach towards gauging the quality of education in a school, but is also a belief that happens to be utterly counterproductive.  Tests tend to predict the academic performance of the students in a school under a standardized test environment and format. The thing that needs to be understood is that performing in a test happens to be a skill in itself and not all students happen to be good at evincing the right responses in a test, irrespective of the fact that many of them actually happen to be conversant with the academic discipline on which they are being evaluated (Corwin & Schneider, 2005). Tests are mostly conducted in an environment that happens to be loaded with stress and tension, and it is practical t o expect that not all students may be able to cope up with such a format. Hence test scores actually depict as to how good a school is at preparing its students to perform in a test, rather than reflecting on a school’s ability to impart knowledge.  The other thing is that tests tend to ascertain mainly the academic provenance of the students in a school and that too in a very narrow context. Tests do happen to ignore the varied salient aspects of education like imagination, creativity, proficiency in social skills, leadership ability.
Small company Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Small company - Lab Report Example a) Calculate in UK £ how much the company has to invest in each country. For your calculations use the US dollar exchange rates given in the table below. Lay out clearly how you work out each exchange rate. Work to four d.p. Question: To invest the company needs to borrow another  £110,000. There are two banks that are offering a ten year (the term) loan where interest is paid each year and the loan repaid at the end. Bank A is offering to lend the money at an interest rate of 2.1% compounded monthly. Bank B is offering to lend the money at an interest rate of 2.05% compounded weekly. Annual percentage rate (APR) is delineated as an annual rate is charged for borrowing. It is usually expressed as one percentage representing annual cost of funds over the term of a loan for a particular of time. The meaning of the possible negative portion of the graph is that the company can supply a lot to the market than what is demanded. Even with the excess supply there is a particular price tagged to it. As supply surpasses the demand, the prices will go down as the company lowers its production. The firm, should reduce what they produce to the market at this point. (a) Use the inverse demand and supply functions you worked out for task 4 and 5 and your knowledge of simultaneous equations to work out the equilibrium quantity for demand and supply for your company’s good by equating the two functions of P. (d) Plot on one graph with suitable scales etc the inverse supply and demand functions from task 4 and 5 to confirm your answer for the equilibrium demand and supply quantity and the equilibrium price you worked out above. Overall you have projected a 14.87% year on year return in investment for the company. If the company start with an investment of  £132,000 how long will it take the company to at least double its investment? The figures presented shows that the firm has good prospects and has various
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Reflection Paper Number two Advantages of Evaluation Essay
Reflection Paper Number two Advantages of Evaluation - Essay Example I will be explaining each area of discussion by providing examples and facts to present it in the most effective way. Evaluation is a key to success as it helps in meeting a person's needs from day to day activity or program in the Recreation and Leisure Service. It is very important in other sectors too. Evaluation is important for our program as recreation and leisure are indispensable part of our lives. Man cannot keep on working without taking any break. I feel that the professionals of recreation and leisure industry should focus on evaluation of the services provided by them to the clients in order to be successful in their professions. According to the bulletin of Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, College of Health and Human Services, "Every year, millions of people spend an increasing amount of time in pursuit of beneficial leisure and recreation experiences As the world's leading industry, recreation and leisure spending accounts for approximately one trillion dollars a year." (para.9) Hence this is the most profitable time for the recreation and leisure industry. There are immense opportunities of growth in this sector. But this growth is achievable only if the professionals and services involved in these activities perform well. It is not enough to chalk out pl ans and strategies of performance and distribute it to different levels of workers. It is also necessary to check whether the planned objectives and strategies are heading towards the right direction. The only way to do this is through evaluation. Through this method the shortcomings can be identified and rectified to achieve optimum growth and success. For e.g. nowadays there is a great boom in the hospitality sector. People have started using the services of hotels a lot. But if the hotel does not provide proper services to the customers, the customers will stop staying in that hotel and turn to its competitors. In order to check whether the customers are being served properly or not the hotel manager should keep on evaluating the hotel staffs' performance from time to time. He should check whether they behave courteously or not, whether their service is prompt or not, whether the cleaning of rooms and toilets are up to the mark or not. In addition to all this the hotel kitchen an d the quality of food should be evaluated constantly. It should be checked whether the purchase department of the hotel is purchasing good quality groceries, vegetables and other foodstuff or not. The quality of drinking water should also be of utmost priority in the evaluation agenda. In other words even the minutest details should be evaluated to ensure proper functioning of the hotel. If not done so it is impossible to get back the goodwill of a dissatisfied customer, especially when so many options are available to him. Nowadays all the people involved in the recreation and leisure program keep evaluating their performances from time to time because it is the topmost need of the competitive times we are living in. So
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Progressive Movement and Social Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Progressive Movement and Social Control - Essay Example In this progressive era, a young man with great political experience became the president of United States named  Theodore Roosevelt. At the age of forty he became the youngest president of United States. The main cause that made him popular was his policies that reflected his personality as an activist and moralist.In this progressive era, a young man with great political experience became the president of United States named  Theodore Roosevelt. At the age of forty he became the youngest president of United States. The main cause that made him popular was his policies that reflected his personality as an activist and moralist. His main concern was railroad regulation which ended up with a compromise between the two positions. His greatest achievement was to conserve America’s natural resource. He won a noble peace prize for negotiating an end to Russo-Japanese war and preserving open door policy in China. Woodrow Wilson was the governor of New Jersey and became the president of United States in 1912. He started the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. This act provided the control of government over banking. He also introduced Federal Trade Commission Act that regulated the trade by taking commission from these trade corporations. He appointed commissioner to regulate these trades affairs. The appointment of these commissioners was not liked by progressives. The progressivism was exploited mostly by the white men. Women were the victims of progressivism. This resulted in the launch of National Women Party  which fought against women suffrage. Black were also the sufferers of progressivism. Rich people were exploiting poor and hampering cultural ethics by making wrong use of progressivism. But above all its drawbacks progressive reform developed the culture, lifestyle, new trade methods and much more advancements. The government became more responsible towards the economic and social welfare. Middle class people became more conscious towards their right in the society. The banking procedure was changed and got under the control of government. Progressivism preserved the capitalist system. Progressivism introduced many democratic ideas from different parts of the society. This was the end of nineteenth century and progressivism was the major reform of this century.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Apoptosis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Apoptosis - Research Paper Example In an average human being almost 50 to 70 billion cells and in a child about 20 billion to 30 billion are damaged and they die due to apoptosis in a single day. It is not just a biological phenomena , all the defective apoptotic processes are linked with a lot of other diseases and also an excess of apoptosis can lead to atrophy and if the amount is less or insufficient , it can cause cancer which is due to cell proliferation (Al-Rubeai, Mohamed, and Martin Fussenegger,2004). Discovery and Etymology The process was initially described in 1842 by Carl Vogt and during the year 1885 Walther Flemming was the person who in more detail described this programmed cell death process. The difference between other traumatic cell deaths and apoptosis was identified by John Foxton Ross who was with University of Queensland at that time. There is a lot of work done by various people from Sydney Bernner, John E Sulston and even Horvitz who received Nobel prize during the year 2000 for their own apo ptosis. Apoptosis is basically a multi path and multi step death program of the cells which is inherited in all the cells of the body. During the process of cancer, the cell division ratio is altered. The word apoptosis is taken from a Greek word which means the â€Å"dropping off†of the leaves and petals from the trees and also plants. The term was reintroduced by Professor Cormack of Greek language for medical usage. Process Different range and variety of cell signals control the process of apoptosis which originates intracellular and sometimes even extracellular signals. The extracellular signals include hormones, nitric oxide, hormones, cytokines and also various growth factors which are transduced through the effect of a response and sometimes crossed through the plasma membrane. These signals can have negative and also positive impact on the apoptosis. There are positive and also negative inductions, when the active repression and also inhibition of apoptosis occurs th rough a molecule that is negative induction; where as the triggering and binding of the apoptosis through molecule is the positive induction. Stress is the major factor which makes the cell initiate intracellular apoptotic signaling which causes cell suicide. Various factors results in regulating apoptosis, which include poly ADP ribose polymerase. The cell death is caused through the enzymes and before that there are apoptotic signals which enable the regulatory proteins to instigate the pathway of apoptosis. Mitochondrial regulation Mitochondria are important and crucial factor linked with the multi cellular life because in its absence the cell is ceased and thus it will not be able to respire aerobically and it will quickly die. This is the major cause of the apoptotic pathways. Mitochondria is targeted by the apoptotic proteins in various ways which can cause the swelling of mitochondria which causes the formation of the membrane pores and they also increase the mitochondrial me mbrane permeability and it can also be a major reason of leaking out of the apoptotic factors. Apoptosis is activated through the nitric oxide which initiates the possible action of a signal molecule linked with the succeeding pathway.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Persuasive for school uniforms Speech or Presentation
Persuasive for school uniforms - Speech or Presentation Example Students benefit by reducing the number of concerns they must deal with during school hours, freeing their minds to focus more on the academic issues they should be concerned with while attending classes. There is a long history of the use of uniforms in school, most coming from the private sector until recent years, all of which demonstrate these benefits do exist. While most of the uniform policies used in public schools include relatively general restrictions, such as navy or khaki pants and solid color shirts with collars without brand name requirements or specific, school-related insignia required, there has still been a great opposition to these policies by people who mistakenly insist that school uniform policies somehow restrict a child’s ability to express him or herself. By including students in a recognized group as a member of a particular student body, uniforms are successful in building a sense of community and cooperation among children who might not otherwise w ork together. At the same time, regulations requiring specific items of clothing such as a ‘red or white solid colored shirt with collar’ serve to ensure that there are a large number of people in the market for these items, driving the price down as they become produced in mass quantities. Children who outgrow their uniforms are also able to donate them to children who can’t afford them demonstrating that the use of uniforms is cost effective. ... it must be remembered that there are a number of jobs in the ‘real’ world that also require a standardized uniform, sometimes much more rigidly defined than the school systems. â€Å"Police officers, firemen, airline employees, nurses, doctors, lawyers and all branches of the military have some form of required dress. Most of our blue collar workers are also required to wear a uniform in the performing of their jobs †¦ It makes them a part of a team that performs a certain job in a certain manner and provides for a more cohesive work environment†(Messer, 2008: 2). In the same way this process works for adults, making them a part of a team and encouraging a work environment attitude and approach, requiring uniforms in school also works for students, encouraging them to shift their thinking during school hours to school matters, in keeping with the seriousness of their clothing and that of their peers. Requiring students in public school to wear uniforms is al so a tremendous support for the school system. One of the immediate benefits is that a required student dress code makes any individual not in uniform instantly identifiable by staff, making it much easier for teachers and administrators to identify non-students/staff on campus and confine them until their purpose is clear. In addition, uniforms enable the school to restrict clothing with potential to conceal weapons, an increasing issue in today’s school systems nationwide. â€Å"Like other urban school uniform policies, Long Beach’s was intended to curb gang problems, and school officials not only credit it with having accomplished that goal, but also say uniforms have brought about a substantial drop in school crime, a drop in school suspensions and disciplinary problems and improved student attendance
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Relation to marriage Essay Example for Free
Relation to marriage Essay Acclaimed as the Father of English Literature and the English Homer before William Shakespeare, Geoffrey Chaucer, the writer of The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale, was born to a middle-class family in ca. 1343 and was once a member of the house of Elizabeth, Countess of Ulster. Regarded as one of the most famous and significant poets in the medieval period, Chaucer was well-known for his use of dream-vision form, his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales (ca. 1387), and more importantly, his contribution to the English language by importing more than 1000 new words that were derived from foreign languages. In The Wife of Baths Prologue, Chaucers precise presentation of the Wife of Baths experience (line 1) of marriage, which she believes to be right ynough for [her] to speke of wo that is [inside] (lines 1 3), brings forth to her convincing arguments about marriage. Obviously in the beginning of the Prologue, Chaucer suggests the idea of the Wife of Bath as being a five-time, experienced married woman, whose first marriage experience comes when she is only twelf year of age (line 4). The wise woman is without doubt an advocate of marriage, as she is always ready to fight back all kinds of attacks concerning her marrying five times with her strong, convincing arguments with references to the Bible although she graunte it wel (line 101) the truth that [one] does well not to marry (1 Corinthians 7.1), as it would be better to continue to live alone (1 Corinthians 7. 8) as a widow, the Wife of Bath strongly believes that there is nothing wrong to marry more than once, as she always agrees with the idea that to be wedded is no sinne (line 57) as long as [her] housbonde is fro the world agoon (line 53) according to her idea, it is of no repreve (line 90) and withouten exception of bigamye (line 92) to wedde if that [her] make [dies] (line 91). Despite the advices from other men, who [keep on] [conseiling] [her] to be oon (line 72), she is convinced that she does the right thing as there is no law that forbids her marrying, and whether to marry is up to her owene juggement (line 74) and decision. Her firm belief and strong arguments are, in my opinion, the results of her awareness of the law and her situation in the society, as well as her understanding of the Bible. Regardless of the higher values of maidenhood, the Wife of Bath believes that marriage is of the same importance as virginity as it is God who [tells] us to wexe and multoplye (line 28) and it is impossible to do so without marriage. In her argument about virginity and marriage, she likens wives as barly breed (line 150), which [the] Lord Jesu [uses] to [refressh] many a man (line 152). Such metaphor, in my view, works well to emphasize the importance of wives (barly breed), despite its inferiority to the purity of virginity, which she likens as breed of pured whete seed (line 149). The Wife of Bath, furthermore, believes that marriage suits her the best and is what she desperately needs, as it is her will to bistowe the flour of al [her] age in thactes and in fruit of marriage (line 118 119) it will definitely be a disaster for her if she has to laden al [her] lif in chastitee (line 100), despite the fact that virginitee is great perfeccioun, and continence [is] with devocioun (line 111 112), which is according to the Almighty God, the way to live a perfect life.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Intra- and interpersonal perception Essay Example for Free
Intra- and interpersonal perception Essay How does intra- and interpersonal perception (understanding yourself and other people) contribute to individual success both at university and later at work? In this world of change and complexity, studying hard at school and dedicating at work are not enough to succeed at university and workplace. There are many factors affecting one’s life. The main factor comes from inner world of an individual. As the saying goes: nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. Therefore, deepen the understanding of inner world of is important to an individual. Moreover, in order to succeed at both university and later at work, having intra- and interpersonal perception are vital for an individual. This essay will discuss how does intra- and interpersonal perception contribute to individual success both at university and later at work by mainly focused on that enhanced study result by self-monitoring and raised work performance by communication with colleague. Interpersonal perception is a type of social psychology, it means how you perceive a target, and the target can be a person apart from yourself (David A, 1994). In laymen’s terms, interpersonal perception can be defined as how much does an individual understand about the others. The purpose of having an interpersonal perception is to communicate with others successfully and get advantages from the successful communication. Having a better understanding of others can lead an individual to be success at both University and later at work. This essay will further discuss about this point in the following paragraphs. In order to communicate with others successfully, an individual must first learn to communicate with himself or herself. That means having a better understanding of our inner feeling is needed. This can be called as intrapersonal perception. In the daily life, an individual may not perfectly understand about what the inner feeling is when acting different behaviors. This will cause an individual to feel uncomfortable. Therefore, having an intrapersonal perception is very important. In order to develop intrapersonal perception, individuals should be able to describe what they strive for as their own personal values, vision and objective (Hanbury, Sapat, Washington, 2004). Intrapersonal perception will be built after having a deeper understanding of an individual’s goals of life. Therefore, it allows an individual to adjust his or her behaviors and reduce the feeling of uncomfortable. After having an intrapersonal perception, an interpersonal perception can be developed by enhancing communication with others. But above all, both perceptions can lead an individual to succeed at work and University. Intrapersonal perception can help students to get a better study result at University and enhance performance at job by increasing self-monitoring and self-awareness. When an individual knowing more about himself or herself, disadvantages will be found and hence increases their self-awareness. Bercher pointed out that accurate self-regulation can help a student to get a better result and greater performance at school (2012). When a student can be aware of his or her state of study, they will be able to adjust their performance. More importantly, students should clearly know about themselves at first. Secondly, they will find out what behaviors and what disadvantages should be improved in order to achieve the goals of study at school. At last, students will adjust their study methods or put more effort on study. As a result, the goals will be easier to accomplish and the study progress will be under their control. Moreover, intrapersonal perception can help an individual to be success at workplace. Employees’ attitude is very important to their performances at work. A positive attitude can lead an employee to accomplish a task more easily. When the employees knowing more about themselves, they can clearly know about what are their goals at work and what should they do to achieve the goals. Therefore, employee’s work attitude will be changed positively caused by their self-awareness. Performance and workplace behavior will also be improved. When an individual can own the ability of self-monitoring at workplace, attitude and workplace performance will be continently adjusted, it leads an individual to be success at work by having a higher performance. Furthermore, having an interpersonal perception can help an individual to obtain a higher result at both University and workplace by improving communication skill and increasing communication with others. Firstly, different types of group project are needed in the University. Having a better understanding of the others can help to obtain a successful coordination and get a better performance at group project. When the others thinking are highly understood by an individual, the individual will be able to coordinate with them in a more suitable way (Abele, Stasser, 2008). That means the communication with others will be improved and it leads to a successful coordination. Additionally, when a student having a better understand of other schoolmates, he or she can be able to compare their differences in study method, and hence to make an adjustment in order to improve study result. Also, having an interpersonal perception can benefit an individual at work. When an individual having a deeper understand of others, he or she can find an appropriate way to interact with them and obtain a better performance at work (Vrinda, 2001). Knowing others is an important skill, it helps an individual to analyze others behavior. Once an individual can be able to understand colleagues at workplace more accurately, he or she can communicate with them in a more suitable way and can have a better coordination. It will decrease conflict and enhance working result. Apart from improving working performance by appropriate interaction with others, interpersonal perception can also help an individual to get a job more easily and keep the job. Because it helps an individual to have a higher understanding of the examiner’s mind. In conclusion, intra- and interpersonal perception help an individual to have a self-monitoring ability and a better communication skill. Therefore, the performance at work and study progress at University of an individual can be improved by continually self-monitoring and enhancing interaction with others. Also, it allows an individual to obtain a higher study result and to have a better performance at workplace. Finally, intra- and interpersonal perception can help an individual to be success bot at university and later at work.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Healthcare Technology and Big Data
Healthcare Technology and Big Data Introduction As technology advances, medical devices are able to record increasing amounts of information. These devices are also becoming much more assessable to consumers than in the past. In Adam Tanner’s article â€Å"Health Entrepreneur Debates Going To Data’s Dark Side,†he discusses the company Safe Heart. Safe Heart is developing medical devices for consumer use. These devices are able to measure values like blood oxygen saturation, heart rate, and perfusion index. Being able to collect these massive amounts of data, places these devices in the realm of big data. Although the topic of big data imposes its own issues, the medical nature of the data creates an additional set of important issues. Safe Heart is not the first organization to develop devices that collect â€Å"big†quantities of data. In recent years, many organizations have begun to capture and use large quantities of medical data. Hospitals, credit agencies and researchers have all started to use medical data to the advantage of either the patient or their own corporation. With all the data being captured, there are legal and ethical issues that become apparent. Main Issues The most prominent issue related to big healthcare technology data is a legal one. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), protects health data that is transmitted by a certain groups and organizations [1]. It states that consent must be obtained from the patient to distribute any information to a third party. The organizations included are health plans, health care clearinghouses, and some health care providers [1]. This would mean that non-health organizations transmitting health information would not be subject to HIPAA. The previously mentioned organization Safe Heart, would not be subject to HIPAA because they are not an organization covered by the act. Safe Heart would be able to transmit data in a variety of ways and not be limited by the restrictions of HIPAA. Another act that has the power to govern patient data, but is not optimized for current technologies, is the Privacy Act [1]. The Privacy Act protects data that is distributed by the federal gov ernment. To distribute data, the government must remove personally identifying information from the records [1]. After the information is removed, this allows the government to distribute massive amounts of civilian health data publically. As long as explicitly identifying attributes like name and address have been removed, the Privacy Act does not limit how much, or where the data can be distributed. There are few bounds on what the government can do, making this a pressing legal issue. Big data also imposes several ethical issues on healthcare technology. Even though health agencies may anonymize data in accordance with the Privacy Act, it is still possible to associate the data back to the individual. The Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission released a dataset in the 1990s, and they assured the public that the data had been completely anonymized. A graduate student at the time combined this dataset with voting data and was able to associate medical data back to the correct patient. Shortly after this, it was shown that an American can be identified with only their zip code, birthdate and sex [2]. This imposes a myriad of issues on medical technology companies like Safe Heart. If a released dataset is not properly anonymized, the large amounts of data collected by the devices can be associated back to the patients. This also has powerful ethical implications when considering the results of a study done by the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. This organization stud ied a collection of mobile health and fitness applications for both iOS and Android operating systems. The study found that many of the applications transmitted data, without user notification, to third parties. The data transmitted included items like latitude, longitude, and zip code data [3]. Since many of the developers were not medical entities, the data sharing is not limited. The medical data can be used for marketing of products and can be sold to third parties for other uses. This is a large invasion of user privacy and creates one more way to link consumers to their already existing medical data that has been â€Å"anonymized.†Major Stakeholders The winners here are largely marketing and advertising agencies. After buying a, or using a publically available, dataset marketers can use the few remaining pieces of identifying information like location, age and gender to target specific consumers. With improved consumer targeting, marketing and advertising agencies can increase their revenue and further their own product line. The consumers are also winners depending on how their data is handled. If the data is handled correctly, the profits from the distribution of the data would allow companies, like SafeHeart, to subsidize the cost of the medical devices [4]. Subsidized devices would allow medical technological companies to reach a broader demographic, providing increased public benefit. The data gathered by the consumer medical devices can also be used to enhance medical research providing additional benefit to the consumers [5]. Finally, the collection of data can benefit consumers because it enables improved tracking of dis eases among an entire population [6]. If diseases can be detected faster, a large portion of the public would benefit. Although consumers can reap a large number of benefits from big data in healthcare, they are losers as well. There will be many consumers who do not want their data to be affiliated with marketing or advertising agencies. To these consumers, this is viewed as an extreme invasion of privacy. In addition to the undesired sharing, these users may be subject to the re-identification process. Even though the shared medical data contains few identifying attributes, the remaining information can be used to associate the original consumer with the appropriate medical record [2]. This too in an invasion of the consumer’s privacy, contrary to many of their desires. After consumers, some medical technology entities are also losers. For companies like Safe Heart, the profit from released datasets would reduce costs to the consumer. As a medical company, improving the public’s health is one of their primary missions. The potential that consumers may be re-identified, or targeted by marketing, with the data discourages release. The apprehension to release data limits data available to researchers making them losers as well. If data were released, researchers would be able to expedite research and provide solutions to prevalent health problems [5]. Consumers may resent the release of their data, but those trying to benefit them can produce worthwhile returns. Summary Advances in healthcare technology have also given birth to an increase in the amount of big data created by medical devices. Medical big data creates a unique set of legal and ethical issues that companies like Safe Heart must, and are, considering. Legally, acts like HIPAA and the Privacy Act do not sufficiently protect the data of patients. Data can move considerably freely and it is not always transferred in a completely anonymous state. It has been shown that organizations are not handling the data in an ethical manner. The release and negligent handling of the data completely invades the privacy of the patient. For marketers, this aids when trying to increase revenue. Due to many of these issues, companies have started to limit what data they share when medical devices generate it. Without accessible data sets, progress of researchers is slowed and the standard of care for the public falls. Both the benefits and risks must be considered when medical big data is involved. Conclusions Health devices transmitting big data are already involved in our lives. It is a serious legal issue that HIPAA and the Privacy Act do not govern our health data properly. It is critical that our laws catch up with this rapidly developing technology. A reasonable person may argue that health data should be completely restricted and there should be no transmission, or distribution, at all. It is true that data laws need to be revisited and improved, but complete restriction would be an extreme waste of the potential that medical big data stores. After the laws have been optimized for the technology, the data has the ability to improve health care throughout the nation. Big data can be extremely useful for entities like hospitals. Using patient data, hospitals can monitor a patient’s condition and know more quickly when they are due to worsen [7]. Advanced algorithms can also predict and help to prevent conditions like renal failure, infections, and negative reactions to drugs [7 ]. When physicians are combined with big data indicators, more patients can be helped and conditions can be monitored more reliably than in the past. In conclusion, I think that big data in healthcare should be embraced, but not before we strengthen the laws governing it. References [1] Kalyvas, James R. and Overly, Michael R. Big Data: A Business and Legal Guide. Auerbach Publications. 55-58. [2] Anderson, Nate. â€Å"Anonymized†data really isn’tâ€â€and here’s why not. 9/8/09. [3] Njie, Craig Michael Lie. Technical Analysis of the Data Practices and Privacy Risks of 43 Popular Mobile Health and Fitness Applications. 7/15/2013 [4] Tanner, Adam. Health Entrepreneur Debates Going To Datas Dark Side. 9/16/14 [5] Standen, Amy. How Big Data Is Changing Medicine. 9/29/14. [6] Schmarzo, Bill. Big Data Technologies and Advancements in Healthcare. 3/25/14.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Great Gatsby :: essays research papers
Gatsby Essay Reserving Judgements is a Matter of Infinite Hope†pg. 6 F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby      This quote is the fundamental axiom that the book revolves around. Nick’s father told this to him and he hasn’t forgotten the quote or the intrinsic moral significance that goes along with it. So much is spoken and gossiped about Jay Gatsby before he is even introduced in the novel that no one knows his true character, except for the fact he’s a rich man who throws wild parties in West Egg. In the novel, both social image and the perception of wealth play important parts in illustrating the internal class structure of West and East Egg. The fact the Gatsby is such an enigmatic character makes the audience wonder about the internal make-up of his personality, since most of his life Gatsby has been trying to escape his true image. In the case with Nick, the narrator, and Gatsby, as long as judgments are not made, Nick can be optimistic about Gatsby and their relationship and hope for the best, even if the best situation is not always reached. Mo re generally, however, it advocates tolerance and understanding regardless of social status, or preconceived information.      Within the first chapter of the novel, there is already a contradiction and a questioning of Nick’s moral integrity as he regresses from his comment slightly. While he nobly and humbly mentions that he is tolerant and nonjudgmental, he also regards himself as morally privileged, having a greater sense of ‘decencies’ than other people. It makes sense that New York’s social dichotomy and the vast difference between the rich and the poor, the arrogant and the humble has given Nick a complete moral spectrum.      This quote not only symbolizes a creed that Nick lives by, but it also represents the ideal morality that unfortunately many of the frantic, materialistic, capitalistic easterners lack. Judgments and stereotypes and the declination of American values play a huge role in explaining the relationship with the two distinct sides of the neighborhood. The main distinction is between East Egg and the old rich people, who claimed their wealth through inheritance from ancestors who were among the richest people in the country, and the new rich people, like Gatsby, who obtained their wealth through entrepreneurial business that sometimes lacked integrity and morality. In addition to the difference in the assumption of wealth, the older rich people from East Egg tend to be more humble, graceful, and elegant with their riches, while the new rice West Eggers are ostentatious, and vulgar, as is characterized by Gatsby’s tasteless, wild drinking parties.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development: The First Stage Essay
The first stage is called the Sensorimotor stage. It occupies the first two years of a child's life, from birth to 2 years old. It is called the Sensorimotor stage because in it children are occupied with sensing things and moving them. From these activities they learn what makes things happen, what the connections are between actions and their consequences. They learn to grasp and hold and what happens when they let go. Â Â Â Â Â This happens later on in the stage. When they are new-born they have no concept of there being anything else apart from themselves in the world. In fact they think that they are the world. Piaget called this Egocentism; he said that children with this attitude were totally Egocentric. This does not mean that they are just plain selfish; it means that they do...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Psychology-1 Parenthood Analysis
Raising his only daughter, Patty, to be a perfect human is Nathan Huffner’s goal. He is in denial about his attitude towards raising his daughter; he said that he just wanted Patty to learn more than other kids do but the truth is he wants Patty to be his source of achievement; he is proud that his child is a genius and for that, he feeds his pride. He trained his daughter to be so intelligent, to be not only good at everything but be the best at everything. He taught his daughter things that even some adults can’t do. His daughter never had a chance to complain about the things that was being taught to her because she was so little to understand that her life was not the life of an ordinary little girl. Nathan Huffner concentrated so much about his child’s intellectual learning. He even refused to have another baby because he wanted to concentrate on Patty’s â€Å"above normal†development; because of that, his wife was so disappointed but she can’t show all her anger to her husband that’s why he just displace her disappointment on eating and filling her appetite. He didn’t let his child to enjoy her life as a child. He just fed Patty with knowledge and other complicated things and never let her feel the feeling of what a normal little girl should feel. That made him an authoritarian parent; the one that discourages expressions of disagreement. He has strict standards; he wants Patty to be a perfect human. As a result, Patty was unsociable with other children. She was unfriendly to others. She was withdrawn and was acting and reacting weird to situations that seems normal to other children (an example is the â€Å"thumb magic†of Gil to the children; others had fun with that magic while Patty screamed and ran away. Maybe that’s because of too many scientific facts in her head that made her think that that magic was disgusting. ) Another scene that showed Patty being different from other children was in the party of Kevin; she saw a boy turning around and around, she asked her mother what was the boy doing, that means that Patty was unable to do the things that a normal child experiences, which is doing silly things and enjoying those silly things. Frank Buckman was a permissive father for Larry Buckman. He was ever supportive on his son even though he knows that Larry is involved in some illegal scams for easy and quick money. There was even a point in the movie that Larry had to pay a large amount of money or else he will be killed. Frank was disappointed with Larry but he wants to help him because he loves him so much. He wanted to bail out Larry by using the car that he loved so much for the crime he did. As a result, Larry has a low self control and was dependent to his father. He thinks that it’s alright to do bad things because his father will always be supportive to him. He even had a baby with a show girl in Las Vegas; that shows how low his self control was. Yet, he was an uninvolved parent to his other kids. All his attention was on Larry that he was now emotionally detached to Gil and the others. Although his like that, it was then revealed that he also loved Gil. But instead of showing love, he showed the exact opposite of it. He used reaction formation. Showing love provokes anxiety on Frank because he always saw himself as a tough guy. He didn't like showing a soft side of him. Also, Frank is in denial that he hated Gil because he taught that he had polio but he is covering his feelings towards his son because love provokes anxiety on him. Larry Buckman was concentrated to his illegal schemes for him to get easy and quick money. He had a bi-racial son named Cool; who was the fruit of his affair with a showgirl in Las Vegas. Larry was a negligent parent. He doesn't really care for Cool; as long as the child is fed, his child has a house to stay on; he thinks that his responsibility is done. He had his family take care of Cool because he knows that his father will support him all the way. As a result, Cool became an indifferent kid. He was always inside the house and never got the chance to mingle and play with other kids; that makes him ignorant to the outside world and his cognitive and social development was impeded. He feels unloved and emotionally detached from his own father. There is a part in the movie that Larry and Frank were talking about how to bail out Larry from his gambling addiction, his father mentioned that he will enter a â€Å"gambling anonymous†; which means that Larry is in denial of his addiction in gambling that’s why he should enter in a gambling anonymous. He’s scared of entering the real world. He is scared of getting a job because he may not be good at it. So he was involved in gambling and rationalizes to himself that it was because of what his father has always taught him. Helen is a permissive parent. She was undemanding and was so easy in them. She lacks control on her two children, Garry and Julie. As a result, Garry appears to be a very weird boy. He was quiet and shows very little concern about what her mother says. He has this mysterious paper bag that he keeps in his room. He wants to stay in his room all day and if he goes out, he locks his room and doesn’t want anyone to enter his room. Helen wondered what is inside the paper so he opened Garry’s room to look for the paper bag; finding out that the paper bag was filled with porn movies. Helen showed a little disappointment but later on shows approval and rationalizes that it is normal for Garry to be curious about those things because Garry just entered puberty and he doesn’t have a father to ask about those things. Another effect was shown by her daughter Julie. Julie was a wild and curious girl. Julie wanted to be with his boyfriend, Tod, and ignores her mother’s advice. She left their house and stayed with Tod. They even got married. Eventually, Julie returned home and went back to her mother, which shows how Julie was so dependent on her mother’s company. After all, Helen still agreed to let Julie and Tod stay in her house and already accepts Tod as a part of their family. As shown in the movie, both Julie and Tod expresses unwanted behaviors; these may be a way to repress their memories about the separation of their parents; they focused on other things so that they can forget about that experience that surely affected them. Gil Buckman is another permissive father in this movie. There were so many problems that he encountered in this movie. First, he found out that his eldest son, Kevin, needs to transfer to a special school for special kids and need to undergo therapy. He rationalized that Kevin is just too smart that’s why he seems not so normal compared to other kids. He covered up his anxiety of Kevin being not normal so he believes his own lie that Kevin is just too smart. At first he disapproved to that opinion but eventually, he agreed upon seeing the behavior and reaction of Kevin to different situations (baseball and the lost retainer). Another problem that he encountered was his job because the partnership was given to another person which means that he will be facing a serious financial problem in his family. He was so frustrated and angry so when he went back home, he was arguing with his wife. He displaced his anger to his wife because even though he showed anger to his boss, still he can’t put out all his anger to his boss. Then he found out that his wife, Karen, was pregnant. He was so frustrated about all of these problems but still he agreed on having a birthday party for Kevin. Kevin wanted to have a cowboy character that twists balloons on his birthday. Even though Gil knows that that will be expensive, he still agreed on hiring that cowboy character on Kevin’s birthday. When he found out that the cowboy will not make it to the party, he didn’t want Kevin to be disappointed, so he dressed like a cowboy and performed at the party even though he looks silly. He can’t disagree to his son’s wishes; that proves that he is a permissive parent; even though he knows it will be hard for him, he makes sure that he will not disappoint his children. But his being permissive had a good effect on his children. Kevin’s emotional problem begins to improve. At first he questions his abilities on being a father to his children because of the burdens that he faced but eventually, he was still a good father then.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Chemistry of Coffee Essay
Before coffee is roasted, it is referred to as â€Å"green coffee†. The green coffee is primarily made up of caffeine, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids), and organic acids (although inorganic acids exist in coffee as well). These groups are quite stable in the green phase, and it is the carbohydrates, proteins, and acids that will undergo significant reactions during roasting to produce coffee. The important groups of carbohydrates in beans are from the monosaccharides and the polysaccharides found in beans. The disaccharide Sucrose (C12H22O11) also plays a vital role later on in coffee. Generally speaking, Monosaccharides represent the simplest forms of sugars, such as glucose and fructose, and usually follow the formula Cx(H2O)y. These sugars serve as building blocks for polysaccharides like starches and cellulose, which are usually long repeating chains of a basic unit or monosaccharide. All together, carbohydrates represent about 50% of green coffee’s base. Amino acids are present in green coffee at levels of about 10-13% of dry matter. Amino acids are molecules containing an amine, a carboxylic acid group (an organic acid that contains at least one carboxyl group of COOH) , and a side chain (a chemical grouping that is attached to the main group and is specific to each compound). Lipids represent around 11-17% of coffee. They do not play a huge role in the chemical processes of creating coffee- rather, they act as conductors of aroma and taste later on in the coffee process. Caffeine, an astringent stimulant, develops in coffee as a defense mechanism in the coffee plant. Its content remains stable throughout roasting and brewing. It is highly water soluble. Finally, green coffee beans contain numerous acids. Chlorogenic , Citric, Phosphoric, and Quinic Acids represent some of the most important acids in the green coffee bean. A small amount of acetic acid is also present before roasting. It forms when the coffee cherry is fermented to remove the outer pulp. Other than Phosphoric acid, the major acids at work in coffee are organic. Roasting Coffee Overview: In the first phase, the addition of coffee beans drastically drops the temperature of the roaster. The process is endothermic as the beans absorb heat to give off moisture. Around 100 degrees Celsius the temperature stabilizes as water turns into steam. This leads to an increase of pressure. Once the moisture content has been brought down, temperature increases rapidly again, and the reaction goes exothermic as sucrose begins to decompose at around 190-205 degrees C- forming steam and CO2. The increase in pressure from this reaction bursts the cells of the bean as the bean â€Å"cracks†. This crack causes the bean to almost double in volume. The process goes endothermic again until about 225 degrees C and beans â€Å"crack†once again. This increases volume again. Subsequent roasting pushes lipids through the cells to the surface of the bean, and as the bean roasts farther pst the second crack, the volume of the bean decreases due to decomposition. Chemical Processes during Roasting: Caramelization- Caramelization occurs when sucrose begins to decompose and causes the first mechanical crack of the coffee bean. The sugars produce water and carbon dioxide during the reaction, but also color and aromatics like furans (responsible for caramel- like aromas) and HMFs (hydroxymethylfurfural) (responsible for pure, sugar aromas). As the sugar caramelizes further, the aromas increase, but the original taste of sweetness decreases. The Maillard Reaction- The Maillard reaction (discovered in 1912) is the reaction that takes place during the browning of any food. This reaction varies wildly depending on the specific reactants- It happens in seared meat and toasted bread as well as roasted coffee beans. Despite the fact that the reaction comes out with too many variants (and too many unknowns) to go into extreme detail, basic principles govern the reaction for all variants. At its most fundamental form, the Maillard reaction is the reaction that occurs between a reducing sugar and an amino acid. Proteins are all made up of amino acids, so all proteins have the potential to undergo the Maillard reaction. The reducing sugar required for the reaction is any sugar with an aldehyde group. Sucrose is not a reducing sugar, so it’s numerous other sugars like fructose, lactose, and glucose that undergo the process. The sugars and amino acids react to form molecules called melanoidins that have the brown color characteristic of the reaction. The process is complicated because different sugars and different amino acids produce different compounds. Futher complicating the browning process, the new compounds (melanoidins) react even further creating new substances. The Maillard reaction is the cause for many of the volatile aromatic compounds characteristic to coffee, as well as other non-volatile compounds. Strecker Degredation-Strecker Degradation falls under the scope of the Maillard reaction. It is an intermediate step in the overall process, and involves amino acids. Rather than reacting with reducing sugars like the basis of the Maillard reactions, it requires a carbonyl compound as a reactant. The reaction yields CO2, an aldehyde, as well as an amino-ketone. This process is a significant intermediate step because it yields two products that are hugely responsible for the different smells of coffee. The Formation and Decomposition of Acids- From the four predominant acids found in green coffee beans- Chlorogenic, quinic, citric, and phosphoric – two decompose and two increase. Chlorogenic acid (C16H18O9) decomposes by 60% to form caffeic (not to be confused with caffeine- not the same thing! ) and quinic acid. The decomposition of chlorogenic acid in the coffee bean is directly proportional to the length of roasting. It also occurs later on in solution once the coffee has been brewed. Citric acid decreases as a result of the roasting process, it is is unable to withstand the roasting process, however its content does not change after it has been roasted (it doesn’t change with brewing). The acid diminishes quickly as roasting levels pass the light roast stage. Phosphoric acid increases with the length of roasting, however scientists are still unclear as to why the phosphoric acid increases rather than simply remaining stable throughout the process. Other notable acids that are formed when coffee beans are roasted are lactic acid and acetic acid, these acids form due to the decomposition of polysaccharides during and following the first crack stage. Coffee Brewing and Taste. Approximately 28% of the components in roasted coffee beans are water soluble. 72% are insoluble. Brewing a cup of good coffee depends on the balance of extraction of these components. Extraction below 16% is associated with weak, peanuty coffee, while extraction over 24% leads to a bitter brew. Taste of coffee depends on the degree of carmelization the coffee went through during roasting, the acidity of the cup, and the aromatic compounds such as aldehydes, ketones, and furans. As mentioned before, carmelization increases the aroma of the coffee, but lowers the overall sweetness of the cup. The overall â€Å"body†or â€Å"weight†of coffee simply has to do with the number of dissolved particles in the cup. Darker roasts generally have more body to them because the lipids have been brought to the surface of the bean, and are therefore more readily brewed into the coffee. A more â€Å"acidic†brew (not a literal term- it depends on the acids types present in the brew, the pKa, anions species present, and the buffering capacity) lends a â€Å"brightness†to the mouth. Below are some common acids associated with the different flavor notes that accompany an â€Å"acidic†taste in the cup. -Phosphoric acid has been associated with enhancing the brightness of the coffee, although there is still dispute over which acid contributes the most to the overall â€Å"acidity†, especially because the majority of phosphoric acid is neutralized with the presence of potassium once it’s in solution. – Quinic acid provides a cleanness to the brew in low quantities, but in excess leads to bitterness and astringency -Caffeic acid is generally bitter and harsh. -Citric is bright and floral in moderation, but excess is overly sour -Acetic acid can taste fermenty and vinegary in excess but in small amounts give the coffee a â€Å"winey†flavor -Lactic acid is associated with a less prominent â€Å"bright†flavor, but like citric acid, excess tastes sour -Malic acid is a less prominent acid that is known for its apple flavor As for the various volatile aromas in coffee a few of the predominant components include: – Furans which are sweet , nutty, fruity, and caramel smelling -HMFs give off a clean sweet smell. -Ketones are floral, buttery, caramel, vanilla-y, and milky -Phenols in lower levels are spicy, vanilla-y, clove, and anise flavored, excess are associated with a woody, medicinal flavor. Lipids in coffee play a significant role because many of the aromatics in the coffee bean are fat- soluble rather than water soluble. The higher the lipid content, the stronger the taste of the coffee is likely to be. This is why dark roasts generally have a stronger flavor than the light roasts (although it is also due to the increase in overall flavor compounds versus sugars and intact amino acids). Espresso brewed coffee also has a stronger flavor not only due to the increase of dissolved particles relative to the water content, but because it is brewed using emulsion rather than extraction. Emulsion involves pressure as well as water to extract the elements within the bean. The high pressure brewing gets more lipids into the shot than a traditional extraction of pouring water over the coffee grounds would. Finally- caffeine has a mildly astringent flavor. It was not discussed much in this paper because caffeine is relatively stable and doesn’t change from green coffee to roasted coffee. Caffeine level is merely dependent on the caffeine present in the coffee cherry when it was picked and the amount of coffee brewed in ratio to the water. Contrary to popular belief, it is not actually the presence of caffeine that contributes most to the bitter flavor of coffee. Rather, it is a compound called trigonelline (C7 H9NO3), an alkaloid, and its products after degradedation during roasting, that are given the most scientific credit for coffee’s bitterness.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Away and ‘Waiting on the world to change’ Essay
Change is a process, transition or alteration that affects all aspects of life and can affect attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Michael Gow’s play ‘Away’ conflicts emotional, spiritual and mental change expressed through the characters along their journey of change. Gow has chosen characters such as Coral, Tom and Gwen to demonstrate the different types of changes that occur in the play ‘Away’. Gow uses techniques such as Intertextuality, allusion, structure, stage direction and symbolism to present the transformations the characters experience. In the song ‘Waiting on the world to change’ composed by John Myer, change is demonstrated through the reference of war and the hope of a change in future. Myer uses poetic techniques and symbolism to show the changes presented in the song. Change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Emotional change is displayed through both texts although it is displayed through Gow’s play ‘Away’ more so than in Myer’s song. Gow presents emotional change demonstrated by the Character coral. The emotional breakdown experienced by Coral due to her son’s death showed the audience her inability to function normally. Her journey is about an emotional recovery as she lost her social identity and struggles to find connection with others as she â€Å"can’t find anything to say†(Act 2, scene 2). Coral learns to symbolically ‘walk again’ and reconnect with the living world and accepts that there is life and death. Change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. The use of Intertextuality of a play with in a play represents the life of the characters. Coral’s ‘Stranger at the shore’ symbolises Coral’s internal change and it shows that she has overcome her emotional, mental and spiritual conflicts and her character has encountered transformation. â€Å"I’m walking, I’m walking†Coral says in the ‘stranger at the shore’ at the end of the play which symbolises her internal change and the acceptance of her son’s death. Similarly, the sense of emotional change expressed through the lyrics in John Myer’s song is helplessness as he sings â€Å"It’s hard to beat the system, when we’re standing at a distance.†John Myer is expressing frustration through emotive language in the fact that he alone cannot change the world to a more positive place. Change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Spiritual change was explored through the character of Tom in Gow’s play ‘Away’ as he demonstrates to his parents that he is aware of his approaching death and he accepts his fate. This is shown through the intertextuality technique of a play within a play and it acts as a symbolic metaphor used to represent the life of the character and an insight of what will happen to them as the play continues. As Tom becomes more accepting of his illness, his character demonstrates spiritual changes. Gow uses the structure of the play to the advantage of displaying Tom’s spiritual change throughout the play as not everything is revealed at once, keeping the audience engaged. When Tom’s illness is revealed, it inspires other characters such as Gwen, to encounter change also. When Gwen is informed of Tom’s illness, her thoughts of him change and in turn her personality towards others changed also. The reality of Tom’s death alters the perspectives of the characters and their encounter spiritual change in the way that they learn to appreciate the value of the present, but also to know where they are heading. It can be seen that change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Gow uses Gwen’s character to display mental change. At the beginning of the play Gwen is highly critical of Tom, unaware of his condition. Her change can be demonstrated through her dialogue as at the beginning of the play it shows negativity and seen as a source of conflict which changes to caring and of value. â€Å"This case won’t close†is an example of the attitude and conflict that Gwen was expressing before her character encountered change. Her change in attitude and perspective made her realise what she has is of real value. The techniques that present Gwens lack of self-understanding are stage props. In act 4, scene 2, the Bex she refers to was used as a remedy for what she can’t cope with. Later on Gwen rejects the prop of Bex and tries to come to terms with her new self. The turning point of Gwens change is the knowledge of Tom’s illness. Stage directions such as the miming in act 5, scene 1 where no dialogue was used to the reconciliation taking place between characters such as Coral and Roy and Gwen and her family. The relationship between Gwen and her family after her changes becomes closer as Gwen shows them affection. An example of this would be the difference in reactions when Gwen received her Christmas presents. She was affectionate and thankful, showing her character’s change by comparing that to her previous reaction when Jim ‘forgot’ the presents at home. Changes can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Gow uses allusion in his play ‘Away’ which helps to present conventional meanings about the concept of change to the audience, achieved through the use of Shakespearean texts. It is a stage direction as the fairies in the opening scene symbolise a storm which refers to the internal conflict within the characters and the consequences of their individual changes just like a storm creates changes after it has occurred. The storm is a necessary destruction that brings the characters together on a ‘magical’ beach to be restored and reconciled. The characters at this point have all experienced change and the storm is a catalyst of their transformation. Upon coming home after the family holidays, the play completes a full circle by ending the play where it started. As the play completed a full circle, so have the characters that have undergone a total transformation in outlook by the end of the play. Shown through Gow’s play ‘Away’, changes can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who experience it. Alternatively, ideas of change presented in the Myer’s text/clip are different to those shown in ‘Away’. Ideas of change presented are that change is gradual and takes time. The composer’s attitude towards change is that its affects may not be immediate and this is expressed through the repetition of the phrase ‘waiting’. The repetition emphasises the need for time as well as hope that change will come one day. It serves as an indication that change is gradual and this reflects on the message being expressed by Myer. In order for change to occur, Myer expresses that a change of attitude and perspectives is needed. â€Å"We see everything that’s going wrong with the world and those who lead it.†These lyrics assist in conveying the composer’s message that people don’t have the right attitudes or contributions to make a change. It can be seen that change can take many forms and has a range of effects on those who ex perience it. Change is clearly expressed through both texts and provides similar values or concepts in encountering change. Coral’s mental and emotional state is overcome by the acceptance of her son’s death while Tom and Gwen present spiritual and mental change when the reality of Tom’s condition has been recognised. Gow presented change through techniques such as symbolism, structure, stage directions, allusions and intertextuality. John Myer’s text resembles change with the use of poetic techniques and symbolism. The song displays the hopefulness and determination for a changing future. Both texts use techniques to show the change encountered and both focus on the value of change. As it if evident in both texts, change can take many forms and has a range of effect on those who experience it.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Iron and Silk: Mark Salzman`s Cultural Learning in China Essay
Iron and Silk is an autobiographical book by Mark Salzman, where he describes his two-year experience of living and working in China. During the period from 1982 to 1984 Salzman worked as an English language teacher at Hunan Medical College in Changsha and this experience became the basis for his novel. The main character of the novel is fond of Chinese lifestyle and culture. After graduating from the Chinese language department of Yale University he decides to leave for China in order to improve his language skills and get acquainted with Oriental life and culture. Spending much time leaning Chinese language and culture and traditions of this country Mark is sure that he is familiar with this country but reality comes to be quite different from his expectations. The book is a perfect insight into the life of China and its people and this experience is so valuable because we get the perspective of this life from the foreigner, a European man who gets into different world and has to find his ways there. Mark is fond of martial arts and calligraphy and this opens a lot of doors for him. He meets a lot of interesting people and they teach him their culture, traditions and way of thinking. When coming to China, Mark is aware about his future role as an English language teacher but he is not ready to find himself in the role of the pupil again. Luckily, he is optimistic and open to new experience and quickly adapts to his new role. He learns new things and uses every opportunity to broaden his outlook. Every person we meet in our life path can become our teacher if we are attentive to the lessons of the destine and Mark follows this principle and learns everywhere and from every person he meets. His students teach him rules of educational system adopted in China. Their shyness and politeness becomes a great surprise for Mark, who got used to Western freedom and liberalism in education. This is one of the aspects of striking differences between Eastern and Western cultures. Right after arrival Saltzman is stuck with poor conditions of life in the area where he arrives. Poverty, bureaucracy and bad conditions of life make Europeans think about the situation in Europe in the Middle Ages. Communist regime and political system of China becomes a great surprise for Mark, who grew up in a democratic country. The way Chinese people perceive Second World War is also very interesting and it will be very interesting for Western readers. The first thing he learns is dealing with closed system and government control, which exists in China. And despite Changsha has a reputation of place, â€Å"there is nothing to do, nothing to buy, the people have no manners, the food is terrible and their dialect sounds awful†, people find positive moments and enjoy their life. Another surprise comes to be much more pleasant (Salzman, 15). People in China show much politeness and respect to strangers. Attitude to children becomes another great surprise for Salzman. Polite and full of respect to strangers, Chinese people are very strict and demanding to their children. It takes time for Salzman to get used to such an attitude but his new friends explain him that such a treatment is usual and even more, â€Å"that is the Chinese way. †( Saltzman) Saltzman uses this peculiarity of national character in order to get new experience and penetrate deeper into Chinese culture. He knows two popular Chinese dialects – Mandarin and Cantonese and this even increases respect to him. Salzman uses every opportunity to learn something new and destiny helps him to meet a lot of teachers, or masters on his way. He is lucky to get lessons of Wushu, or martial art, from one of the most popular kung fu masters of the modern time. Mark has learned martial art for nine years before he got to China but only there he uncoveres the true essence of this notion. Under the guidance of Teacher Pan he discovers that learning martial arts can be a kind of spiritual search and way to discover true inner self. â€Å"Do every move as if it were your last,†teaches him Master Pan and with these words expresses not only the essence of Wushu but the very essence of Oriental philosophy. (Salzman, 85) Little episodes and events, which happen to the author, show the readers how ordinary things can have deep meaning and influence the entire life if the person is open to new possibilities and new experiences. That is exactly what happens with Mark, for whom every meeting and every conversation becomes the sources of new information and useful lessons. He learns even from fishermen, who quickly recognize him as their friend and ask him to stay and fish with them. Learning Chinese calligraphy becomes another new experience, which opens new perspective for the author. Very soon he finds out that Chinese people have completely different attitude to writing that Westerners do. These people can turn everything into mastery, and calligraphy for them is much more than a way to put down words into paper. Salzman finds out that calligraphy is an art, where one hieroglyph can mean more than hundred words. It takes him some time to understand the words of his teacher, who told him that â€Å"No matter what the quality of brush or paper one should always treat them as if they were priceless. †(Salzman, 156) The art to enjoy every moment of life and ability to dedicate yourself to the thing you are doing at the moment is the main message his calligraphy teacher wants to pass to his European student. Written with great sense of humor, Silk and Iron is a very personal account of life of a Western person in strange surrounding. The book gives a glimpse of Chinese politics, culture, history, way of life and philosophy. The book can be interesting for people interested in marital arts, Oriental philosophy and Chinese culture. Sources Salzman, Mark. Iron and Silk, Vintage, 1987.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Message Passing Interface - not a title just area Essay
Message Passing Interface - not a title just area - Essay Example The MPI specification results from an MPI-Forum that entails several standards upon a movable system. Additionally, the standard is not specific on the explicit joint-memory processes, explicit support, and debugging facilities. The argument is that procedures proposed and established to increase the standard of implementation of the MPI in highly performing clusters like the Gigabit Ethernet and InfiniBand are useful in programming of parallel appliances; most clusters’ demonstration critically depend on the communication presentation of the routines provided by the library of the MPI. Historical Context and Development The message passing interface work started in 1991when a group of researchers began deliberations at a certain retreat in Austria. In another workshop, there were discussions on the Standards for Message Passing within an environment of Distributed Memory Environment in Virginia in 1992. During the workshop, there was a debate on the primary traits vital to a typical message-passing interface and a functional group created to commence the process of standardization (Gropp, Ewing & Anthony 1999, P. 27). Drafting of an introductory draft preceded this process in the same year, as a proposal to the project by three researchers. This was the MPI1. Thereafter, an assembly of the MPI team was conducted in Minneapolis. The working group of the MPI met frequently in 1993, and it comprised of people commonly from America and Europe. The standard of the MPI describes the semantics and syntax of a principal of library practices beneficial to many users drafting programs on portable message passing in C and Fortran (Gropp, Ewing & Anthony 2007, P. 790). In an effort to establish a real platform for message passing, the researchers integrated the most expedient traits of a number of systems into MPI as opposed to choosing one system to assume as a standard. Attributes were utilized from p4, Express, IBM, Intel, and PVM among other systems. Currently, the message-passing standard is striking due to its wide portability. It can thus be used in conveying messages for shared memory and distributed memory networks, multiprocessors, and a mixture of these rudiments (Foster & Nicholas 1988, P. 4). Application of the paradigm exists in several settings, regardless of memory planning or network speed. Critical Analysis of Current Trend The output of the plan for implementing an MPI presents crucial issues for computing systems of high performance. This especially applies for more progressive processor technological systems. Consequently, benchmarking the implementation of MPI on multi-core designs can be measured by ascertaining the Open MPI combined communication performance on the Gigabit Ethernet, as well as the infiniBand group, using SKaMPI (Ismail, et al 2013, P. 455). In the past years, clusters have developed into key architecture engaged for computing systems of high performance. The emergent style of the use of clusters as Hig h Performance Computing has led to numerous research in the discipline, especially in the standard method used for communicating between nodes (Gropp, Ewing & Anthony 1999, P. 29). Another significant factor which can impact the performance of communication of clusters is the clusters interconnect. Slower interconnects are capable of slowing down processes. The preferable cluster interconnect has to offer non-blocking inter-connect architecture and low dormancy great
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Green building Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Green building - Assignment Example There are three key driving forces in Canada that makes this new technology in building and construction. Firstly, the increase needs economically to use energy, water and other building materials so as to reduce the overall cost of construction. Secondly, the need to protect the environment from adverse pollution from building materials has enabled the expert recommend green building technology (Roos & Gorgolewski 2011). With increased need to protect the environment from the adverse effects, there have been efforts to reduce waste and protect the environment from degradation. Lastly, technology ability to protect occupant health and enhance employees productivity has become a cornerstone in driving the application of the technology in building and construction. Blu Homes mkSolaire is an example of green building designed by Michelle Kaufman, one of the founding designers of this technology. The most striking features are the ability to use passive solar, photovoltaic and active solar radiations that are converted into energy. The ability to tap energy is the most important feature that displays the art in action (Passa & Rompf 2007). Besides, the buildings are equipped with green roofs and rain gardeners that tap the rainwater runoff and tapping them for domestic use. Green building technology in Canada is fast evolving. The future of this technology lies heavily on the ability to tap other forms of energy including wind power. The fundamental principle will continue to be waste reduction and energy preservation. Wilson, A., Atlee, J., & MontreÃÅ'al, Q. (2008). Green building in North America institutional efforts for green building in Canada and the United States. MontreÃÅ'al, QueÃÅ'bec: Commission for Environmental
Plato and Descrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Plato and Descrates - Essay Example The relationship of the soul to the body is one which many philosophers disagree over, specifically because of the associations which they have to the actions and functions which take place. The differences and similarities that are associated with Plato and Descartes and the relationship of the soul to the body are one of the concepts which are often looked into. Both hold a specific understanding of how the soul relates to the body while defining different aspects of the ideologies of the theory. The difference between both is based on how one relates to each other; however, both hold the same fundamental understanding that the body and soul are related in certain ways. The similarities between Plato and Descrates are based on the fundamental agreement of the soul and body. Both philosophers state that the first step to the argument is to believe that there is a soul, which is a part of the â€Å"I†or identity with the self. The characteristics which one has as well as the associations which one carries in terms of the mind and soul is what allows one to create a sense of expression and ideologies that are created in their physical existence. It is also noted that both believe that the soul transcends, or lives beyond the body after the body dies, specifically with the immortality of the soul (Broadie, p. 101). Each of these recognitions is able to set the main debate of how the soul relates to other elements that are in the physical world.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Entrepreneurship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Entrepreneurship - Assignment Example No matter whether the business is manufacturing or supplying technology products or not, it has become extremely important that businesses in today’s rigorously competitive market landscape have to take in to account the technology especially when it decides on location. For manufacturing and retailing of fashionable household goods, communication, fashion designing and other technological factors seem to have greater significant roles in the business. The firm needs latest and advanced technology for manufacturing, designing, architecture, furnishing, layouts, developing electrical appliances, marketing etc and therefore accessibility and availability of technology seem to be critically important determinant while choosing the right location for the business. Mareno, Castillo and Masere emphasized that the location decision for a retail business largely depends on technology factors such as communication and network facilities too. The contemporary business environment is gre atly influenced by competition for which technology is the leading factor and therefore technology is the most important factor that determines the competitiveness of a business (Dosi, Teece and Chytry, 1998, p. 3) 2- Retail Compatibility While choosing the location, it is important for a fashionable household retailer to foresee which out of the two options- being single-free standing and being one among a cluster of businesses in all the projected cities namely Bristol, Plymouth, Exeter and Bournemouth- will be profitable and successful. Shopping malls and shopping centers attract large numbers of customers but a single-standing shop attracts relatively less customers. Retail compatibility refers to the maximum advantages that a retailer is able to enjoy by locating its business near to other shoppers (Zimmerer, Scarborough and Wilson, 2008, p. 528). Two compatible retailers within a close proximity area will certainly show increased sale with a direct proportionate customer inter change between them (Akehurst and Alexander, 1996, p. 109). For a start up business, retail compatibility is an important factor to be considered while thinking about the location. Shopping malls or centers attract huge numbers of customers and have to spend less on advertising. 3- Competition and customer traffic A particular business location will be saturated by many competitors and the business
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Future Technology - Free Energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Future Technology - Free Energy - Research Paper Example The increase in human population has not only increased demand for commodities but has also mechanized production of most commodities such as eatables. Nowadays it is very common to find totally mechanized farms and factories. Thus it is obvious that the sector most affected by this phenomenon is the energy sectors. The high demand due to increase in population and increase in mechanization of human life has exerted very high strain on these non renewable resources of energy. The oil supply of the world is dwindling throughout. It is expected that humans would completely run out of this source of energy in a few more decades. This high demand for energy has created chaos in the modern world. There have been millions of lives lost in the war for oil and if the current crisis continues worse is yet to come. In this scenario the world has to find new sources of energy which can be distributed without cost to the entire world. Only such a massive source of energy can fulfill the current needs of energy and contain the crises that stems from it. The question thus arises that what could be such a source of energy which fulfills all needs of human race and that too without be expensive. The usual answer is nuclear energy. The perception that nuclear energy is totally free is very false. First of all uranium is the basic fuel used for nuclear power plants. This fuel like other non renewable resources is an element found from earth and is thus limited in supply. This limit also makes it one of the most expensive elements in the world. Nuclear energy can be every damaging due to disposal of nuclear waste. Thus we can say that environmental costs of nuclear energy are very high. The only feasible option is thus solar energy. This form of energy is the core energy which is behind the formation of life in the world. Everything that we see around us is because of solar energy. The crops use this energy to grow and also with the photosynthesis process
Monday, September 9, 2019
Master of Business Administration in Marketing Essay
Master of Business Administration in Marketing - Essay Example I would also like to thank my band mates, composing good music, sharing every nice moment with me, for their friendship, encouragement, insightful comments and reviewed my work on very short notice. Finally, I would like to thank my family for giving me life in the first place, for educating me with aspects from both the arts and sciences, for unconditional support and encouragement to pursue my interests, even when my interests went beyond the boundaries of language, field and geography. TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 6 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Business Concept 8 1.1 Objectives 8 1.2 The Band’s Biography 9 1.3 Keys to Success 10 1.4 Imaging Statement 11 1.5 Management Team 12 Chapter 2: Music Industry Analysis 12 2.1 General Music Industry 12 2.2 Michael Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 14 2.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 16 2.2.2 Bargaining Power of Customers 17 2.2.3 Threat of Substitutes 18 2.2.4 Competitive Rivalry within the Industry 19 2.3 Live Music I ndustry 21 2.4 PEST Analysis 22 2.4.1 PEST Analysis for Mainland China 22 2.4.2 PEST Analysis for Macau 27 2.4.3 PEST Analysis for Hong Kong and Taiwan 31 Chapter 3: Competitor Analysis 35 3.1 Forget the G 36 3.1.2 Evade 36 3.1.3 L.A.V.Y. 37 3.1.4 Blademark 37 3.2 Points of Difference 38 3.3 WhyOceans Analysis 38 Chapter 4: Marketing Strategy and Tactics 43 4.1 Marketing Mix 43 4.1.1 Product 43 4.1.2 Promotion 44 4.1.3 Distribution 45 4.1.4 Price 46 Chapter 5: Financial Plan 46 5.1 Projected Net Income 46 5.2 Sources of Capital 47 5.3 Projected Profit and Loss 47 5.4 Projected Cash Flow 50 5.5 Projected Balance Sheet 52 Chapter 6: Conclusion 52 References 54 Appendix 56 Executive Summary The business plan for the Post-Rock band, WhyOceans, is the result of extensive research via the internet, library and personal communication with a variety of individuals. With thorough research of the music industry, specifically the Post-Rock genre, Mr. Tommy Chu was able to develop a business pl an supporting the promotion of WhyOceans. This business plan focuses on a plan for each of the areas supporting this promotion including marketing, management, technical and financial, to draw some booking agencies or record company managers. These people are able to book the band’s performances and create album sales throughout Macau and begin to spread the music to mainland China. This business plan will show that the band will become successful. Each year, its sales and revenue are planned increases that are an indication of the band’s success. Band Description WhyOceans consists of 6 members based in Macau. Their music combines rock and psychedelic elements and falls into the â€Å"Post-Rock†genre, with roots stretching back to the early days of the Pink Floyd. Post-Rock music is currently an expanding genre. WhyOceans will create a unique stylized image for itself that will help with promotion. WhyOceans’ songs are catchy, melodic and unique. That i s the first selling point for the band. None of WhyOceans’ songs sound the same, and while they are stylistically similar there are noticeable differences. Marketing WhyOceans will employ an integrated mix of low-cost, highly effective tools and
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Definition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Definition - Essay Example Many people have shown the attitude to persevere despite of the difficulties. As a result, they have helped and inspired many to do the same. In this paper, perseverance is defined in three distinct ways: the capability to endure hardships, hard work and committed to the task. Likewise, it will present three famous persons who have shown these characteristics and placed them in the pedestal of success making them good examples to young people. Perseverance is a virtue that entails the ability to endure many adversaries towards the attainment of a goal. This is something Helen Keller showed in her own life journey. We all know that Helen Keller wrote many poems and stories that are widely read by people young and old alike. The inspiring thing about her is that she is blind and deaf. Helen was born on June 27 1880 with the sense of sight and hearing. However, an unknown illness struck her when she was about a year and a half years old. Everyone in her family thought she was going to die. And then unexpectedly, after a few days, she got well. However, her mother noticed that Helen no longer responded to sound (like the ring of the bell) or sight stimuli. They then concluded that the illness has left her a mark which she suffered for the rest of her life. Towards her childhood years, Helen has been very hard to manage particularly when she throws tantrums and screams towards other members of the family. Upon the recommendati on of the family's friend Alexander Graham Bell, Helen's family finally decided to look for a teacher at the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind. Although difficult at first, Helen struggled to learn how to spell words using hand signals. With the efforts of her teacher Ann Sullivan, she continued to improve and master her skills despite of her condition. The highlight of her education happened when Anne brought her to the lake and spelled "water" in Helen's hand and the later immediately understood. From that moment, Helen's improvement was astounding as she could spell thirty new words that day including Anne's name. After this incident, Helen became famous because of an article that was written about her achievement. Eventually, she was also given a teacher to train her how to speak. Helen tried all her efforts to learn how to speak but was unsuccessful because her vocal chords were not fully developed. Still, this didn't stop her from pursuing her dreams. On 1891, she wrote the Frost King as a birthday gift for her friend Michael Agnos. Helen was also recognized as the first deafblind person to enter and finish a Bachelor of Arts degree in a higher learning institution. However, it was not easy for her as tons of school work further led to the deterioration of her eyesight. Helen soon travelled around the world giving lectures about her experiences. She has been an ambassador of faith and determination to many people. Perseverance also shows the spirit of service and commitment to people. Franklin D. Roosevelt is one of the famous American presidents because of the policies and political changes he started. His leadership started just in time when the unemployment rate is high and the economy was in slump. He proposed a program to bring relief to those who are unemployed, recover losses in business and enacted some reforms for the citizenry. Despite of all
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