Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Discussion Questions for In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote is a nonfiction novel that tells the story of the murder of a Kansas family in 1959. Use these book club discussion questions on In Cold Blood to discuss Capotes literary masterpiece. Spoiler Warning: These questions reveal important details about In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. Finish the book before reading on. Book Club Discussion Questions How does Capote build suspense despite the fact that readers know the ultimate outcome from the beginning of In Cold Blood?​In what ways is In Cold Blood like a fiction novel? How does Capote report the facts and allow different voices to speak without using a journalistic style?In Cold Blood starts with details about the Clutter familys last day alive. Did any of the details particularly stick out to you? Did Capote make you feel attached to the family by sharing these details?Were there any other characters you empathized with because of small details Capote wrote about them? Bobby Rupp? Alvin Dewey?Why do you think Capote split the narrative into three sections? Why do you think he did not describe how the murders happened until Dick and Perry were caught and gave their confessions?Did you feel sympathy for Dick or Perry at any point?How did Capote humanize the killers? Were you surprised by how likable they could seem despite the brutality of their crime and unremorsefulne ss to the end?Capote seems to paint Perry in a more sympathetic light than Dick. He seems sensitive and even kind at points; however, by the end, you find out that Perry committed all four murders. Did that surprise you? Did you sympathize with Dick more than Perry at any point? Or did you not buy any of the kind characterizations?Do you think Dick and Perry were sane? Did the psychiatric analysis of them and descriptions of other cold-blooded killers surprise you? Scare you? Make you think differently about violent crime or the death penalty?Rate In Cold Blood by Truman Capote on a scale of one to five.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Got Breast Milk Comparing Breast Milk To Infant Formula.
Got Breast Milk? Comparing Breast Milk to Infant Formula Parents want to make the best choices for their children. At birth, the decision needs to be made on how a baby will receive nourishment. This decision can impact a child for the rest of their lives. Comparing breast milk to infant formula will determine that breast milk is definitely the best choice for babies. Breast milk is better than infant formula because it provides immune-boosting antibodies, has a higher nutritional value, and leads to higher intellectual quotient (IQ). The first thing that may come to mind when deciding on whether to breastfeed or formula feed are the child’s health. Imagine being in the hospital with a sick child, not knowing what is wrong with them, why†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"In addition to possessing IgA, breast milk contains a range of other nutritional components.†(Niers 347). It is important to evaluate the ingredients and nutritional value in infant formula compared to breast milk. Human milk contains at least 100 ingredients that are not found in formula.†(Jahn 13) Comparing vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats are some of the components to evaluate. After reviewing The Journal of Nutrition, Assessment of Nutrition Requirement for Infant Formulas on Minerals and on Vitamins, with very careful review on the vitamins A, D, E, K, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin C; and the minerals Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Cop per, Iodine, Sodium, Potassium, Selenium, Fluoride and Chromium, it is concluded that there are too many variable factors such as weight, age, and intake amount that make it nearly impossible to determine if the child is receiving the correct amount of these very important vitamins and minerals. Not receiving enough or receiving too much of these vitamins and minerals could result in health and developmental issues. (Journal of Nutrition; Vitamins 2182-2200, Minerals 2140-2181) On the otherShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper on Breastfeeding2264 Words  | 10 PagesBreastfeeding to the Child, the Mother, and the Entire Family What are the Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding? Throughout most of human history, breast milk has been the one food that infants have thrived on. Breastfeeding is recognized throughout the world as the preferred method of feeding infants due to its health benefits and nutritional quality. Recommendations by leading health organizations echo the importance of breastfeeding by setting forth guidelines. AccordingRead MoreVitamins and Minerals in Modern Society7964 Words  | 32 Pageswhile at the University of Tartu in present-day Estonia. He fed mice an artificial mixture of all the separate constituents of milk known at that time, namely the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and salts. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Women’s Self Esteem NOT Because of the Media Free Essays
The subject of media’s impact on women has been a big issue for several years now. However, how does self esteem or one’s concept of oneself really develop? Does the media really have any influence on this?  No, the media does not influence women’s development of self image. Women’s self-images come from a number of internal sources, including their natural role as nurturers, how their needs are met, and other personal things. We will write a custom essay sample on Women’s Self Esteem: NOT Because of the Media or any similar topic only for you Order Now First of all, a person develops as a part of a family. A little girl will learn, based on her family’s actions, to either trust or mistrust peoples’ intentions, as per Erik Erikson’s series of crises. This will tell her, in time, whether she is worthy of positive attention or not. If she is worthy of positive attention, then she will begin to develop good self esteem and a positive self image. If, however, her family is cold or neglectful towards her, she will develop a negative self image and poor self esteem. As the girl grows into a teenager, these early experiences will prove far more important than any outside sources. A teen who was raised in a loving household will be far more likely to have a positive self image than one who was not. This has nothing to do with the media, only with personal influences. As the teen grows into a woman, she will come to see her role in life based on these experiences. If her experiences were positive, she will see herself in a positive light, and will probably want to give to others. If her experiences were negative, she may be selfish and will see herself in a negative light. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs will affect a woman’s self esteem, too. A woman who cannot even get her basic needs met, or who hasn’t had them met since childhood (food, water, shelter) will develop a negative self concept, because she may believe she was not worthy of anything. She will also be far more concerned about getting these needs met than anything else, which doesn’t allow for higher needs. If a woman’s need for love and belongingness aren’t met (through friends, family, lovers, etc.), she may also have a lower self-esteem. A woman who has many friends and loved ones, who is well liked, will have a higher self esteem. A woman who is having all of her needs met and who is striving towards self-actualization should have very high self esteem, because she feels fulfilled in all areas of her life, and is able to strive towards betterment all the time. This also allows for a solid self concept. Women who have met challenges in their lives and won will tend to have higher self esteem than those who have not been challenged or who have lost. A woman who has always had good friends, who has always had her needs met, and who has always excelled in some area will have a much better self concept than one who has had few friends, has sometimes not had her needs met, and has infrequently, if ever excelled at anything. These individual influences determine much more about a person’s self esteem than does anything as elusive as the media. Women traditionally have a role as nurturers. Even if an individual woman does not necessarily feel like a nurturer, this will still have to play into her identity as a woman. A woman who accepts her role as a nurturer and a caregiver will likely be less conflicted, and more likely to have high self esteem. A woman who is a nurturer is meeting her role in society and in life, and therefore would feel more fulfilled. A woman who is not a nurturer may feel guilty, and may have lower self esteem. Some women who are not nurturing are able to get beyond their feelings of guilt and be happy and have high self esteem anyway, but it is a conflict that almost all women must face in their lives. Outside sources are not nearly as important to women as their own internal conflicts and their personal lives. A woman who is secure in her family and friends, and in her own power (as an individual with intelligence and talent) is less likely to care what the media or any ‘unknown’ source says. The media may portray women any way they wish, but women who have a solid personal life are not going to be swayed by it. Women who, on the other hand, do not have a strong self concept, are probably also not swayed by the media. They already feel like they are bad, stupid, ugly, etc., and what the media portrays is not going to change that, either. Outside sources are not big influences. With all of the internal sources, it is clear that the development of self esteem is a lifelong process, one that starts in very young children and continues into adulthood. People who have their needs consistently met and who face challenges and win them will develop healthy self esteem. Those who do not have their needs met or who lose challenges will not develop healthy self esteem. This happens regardless of anything that goes on in the media. In general, people vastly overestimate the importance of the media in the development of self esteem. It is assumed that the media can actually change anything in a girl’s life, when in reality, her own life experiences are what guides her in developing her self esteem and self concept. How to cite Women’s Self Esteem: NOT Because of the Media, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
IT is a very difficult time in Australia at the mo Essay Example For Students
IT is a very difficult time in Australia at the mo Essay ment. There is no work tobe found and depression is upon us. The crash of the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) is one of the main causesfor the turmoil that we must face day after day. People have lost money inthe stock markets and are forced to sell their assets.Many assets thathave been sold have been family heirlooms that have significant sentimentalvalue. In a perfect world, no one would be forced into this situation. But lifeis never perfect, it never goes the way we would like it to, all the time. There is one thing that always goes in our favour, and that is our humanspirit. At the moment our spirit may be tarnished but it will never fade. Deep down inside, we know that if we can survive doing it toughfor a while, we will get through these troubled times and come out asbetter people. As the old saying goes; The grass is always greener on the other side. We know that, as Australians, we can get through the depression becausewe have proven it by recuperating from the Great War. Still, we cant avoid the fact that we have problems as a nation. It isvery sad to hear people saying that they cant even take their children tothe local reserve for them to run around and enjoy their childhood becausethere are homeless everywhere and they have taken over the reserves, whichmakes it unfit for childs play. Some other problems that Australia faces is that industries are shuttingdown and which means people lose jobs and businesses losesupplies which means more jobs have to be cut. Employment is at all-timelows. Currently, unemployment is at 27.4%. This affects the ability for parents to supply for their families. Especially large families. Luckily, we have a government that looks afterus with some food aid for needy families. But things are going to have tochange because the government cant carry people through their lives. Something has to be done. Currently, the number of families receiving aid is 670,000. At the moment, nobodys job is safe. There is always the risk of yourbusiness folding. But if you can pull through these tough times you willcome out as better people. You must always look on the bright side. BY TIM LANE
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