Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Literary Essays :: Literature
In scholarly papers, understudies are investigating importance and development of a bit of writing. In an audit understudies are talking about by and large impact and legitimacy of composed work, while in an abstract exposition understudies are giving more consideration to points of interest. Understudies are taking a bit of composing and attempting to find how and why it is assembled way it is. Understudies must embrace a perspective on work being referred to and show how subtleties of work bolster their perspective. Like the novel, the paper is a scholarly gadget for saying nearly everything about nearly anything. By custom, nearly by definition, the exposition is a short piece, and it is in this manner difficult to give everything full play inside the constraints of a solitary article. Be that as it may, an assortment of papers can make nearly as much progress, and spread it nearly as altogether, as can a long novel. Montaigne's Third Book is the proportionate, practically, of a decent cut of the Comã ©die Humaine. Papers have a place with a scholarly animal groups whose outrageous inconstancy can be concentrated most successfully inside a three-poled edge of reference. There is the post of the individual and the self-portraying, there is the shaft of the target, the true, the solid specific, and there is the shaft of the theoretical general. Most writers are at home and at their best in the area of just one of the exposition's three posts, or at the most just in the area of two of them. There are the dominatingly close to home writers, who compose sections of intelligent life account and who take a gander at the world through the keyhole of tale and depiction. There are the prevalently target writers who don't talk legitimately of themselves, yet turn their consideration outward to some abstract or logical or political topic. †¦ And how awe inspiring, how genuinely obscure are the expressions of the incredible generalizers! †¦ The most luxuriously fulfilling expositions are those which make the best not of one, not of two, however of all the three universes where it is feasible for the paper to exist The exploration article drives understudies into works of others and requests that understudies contrast their musings and their own.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Link Between Behavioral Inhibition and Social Anxiety
Link Between Behavioral Inhibition and Social Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder Print Link Between Behavioral Inhibition and Social Anxiety By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on February 24, 2020 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Sandro Di Carlo Darsa / Getty Images Behavioral Inhibition characteristics are used to determine the potential for developing anxiety by examining behaviors in children like fear, shyness, or withdrawal in new or strange situations and environments. While research on behavioral inhibition and its reliability for predicting anxiety later on in life is still in its infancy, studies completed to date suggest that this could be an important indicator that could enable earlier treatment. Social anxiety can be an overwhelming mental illness with severe negative effects. Early identification and intervention are important to improve quality of life and to prevent other conditions like depression. Onset of Social Anxiety While scientists have not identified the specific cause of anxiety disorders like social anxiety disorder (SAD), many believe that it is linked to biological, psychological, and social factors. Many people experience severe social anxiety for years without getting appropriate treatment, either because they do not seek help or because they are inaccurately diagnosed. Untreated anxiety can result in severe depression and even suicidal behaviors, so it is important to get help as early as possible. If your child is having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or your loved one are in immediate danger, call 911. For many, social anxiety begins in the teens and into young adulthood. By identifying people at an early age and giving them the opportunity for effective treatment options, the severity of social anxiety can be minimized. Behavioral Inhibition is an important aspect of childhood as it may be an early indicator of anxiety disorders and valuable for obtaining an appropriate diagnosis. Behavioral Inhibition and Social Anxiety A growing body of research indicates a connection between childhood personality styles and developing social anxiety later in life. Behavioral inhibition is a personality type that shows a tendency toward distress and nervousness in new situations. Behavioral inhibition in children includes shyness around unfamiliar people and withdrawal from new places. Early behavioral inhibition is not a guarantee of developing anxiety later on. As children grow older, many learn to respond to new situations and new people in a more rational way. However, others will continue to show anxious behaviors throughout their lives and into adulthood. Some research has started to examine how to decrease behavioral inhibition to minimize social anxiety. Caregiving strategies such as those that encourage independence, confidence, and resourcefulness in children may help overcome behavioral inhibition later on.Providing children with exposure to new social situations and activities can help them build their own social skills.Overprotective caregiving, such as giving help when it is not necessary, can increase behavioral inhibition and may reinforce anxiety in new situations. The limited research available suggests that the best way to encourage a child to be confident and not anxious is to encourage him or her to be independent and give him or her the opportunity to problem-solve for himself or herself. This may build a foundation on which the child does not need to rely on others in social situations, lessening the chances of social anxiety developing later on. Through the study of behavioral inhibition and social anxiety, therapists can intervene early to prevent anxiety from worsening to the point of inhibiting daily activities. A Word From Verywell If your child is displaying behavioral inhibition, this is not necessarily a sign of social anxiety disorder. However, it is important to monitor your childs behavior to see if it worsens. As a parent, be sure to give your child lots of opportunities to problem solve before you jump to the rescue. As your childs confidence grows, you may notice that behavioral inhibition is lessened. If behavioral inhibition seems to grow rather than lessen over time, it may be helpful to talk with your doctor about your childs behavior. At that point, you may discuss whether an assessment for anxiety is warranted and if intervention might be appropriate. Remember that early intervention is key to managing anxiety, so dont feel discouraged if your child is given a diagnosis. It is better to identify a problem at an early age before it grows into something more unmanageable during the teen years.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Native American Storytelling Lit Paper - 1214 Words
Native American Storytelling November 12, 2012 ENG/301 Native American Storytelling Native American literature is the root of cultural storytelling, which is told through oral tradition, this consist of stories and songs verbally. Native American literature use literary conventions in the root of myth and symbolic examples in storytelling. The book â€Å"Native American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology†gives good insight into the Native American ways of life and how storytelling is a part of that life. Short stories by Simon Oritz and Luther Standing Bear share life experience and cultural diversity. The reader can see how historical, social and political, and cultural ways play a role in the Native Americans storytelling.†¦show more content†¦252). Tricksters come in many forms â€Å"such as Raven, Spider and Coyote are characters in Native American mythology who represent the underside of human nature†(Sinnaeve, 2012). â€Å"In this literary critical context, a trickster uses sleight of hand and tongue to evade, manipulate, and subvert the colonial world†(Cox, 2005, p. 252). In the poem â€Å"My Father’s Song†written by Simon Ortiz, the poem speaks of the importance of creation. The creation of life, land, and plantation, the story is about a boy who is learning to planet corn. â€Å"We planted corn one spring at Acu – we planted several times but this one particular time I remember the soft damp sand in my hand†(Ortiz, 1981/1995, p. 260). Within the field the boy and his father found a nest of mice, the father showed the boy how to gentle pick them up, and take them to the end â€Å"of the field and put them in the shade†(Ortiz, 1981/1995, p. 260). The purpose of literary conventions in storytelling helps to educate the new generation, â€Å"These stories have been carried down orally for generations, often by parents teaching their children about fundamental cultural truths†(Sinnaeve, 2012). The Native American people went through many changes throughout history, social and political, and cultural events. A social and political event was the education of young Native Americans. In 1879, many Native American children wereShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesRESPONDENTS †¢ FOCUS â Luthans, Rosenkrantz, and Hennessey (1985) †¢ 52 managers in 3 organizations †¢ Participant observation of skills demonstrated by most effective versus least effective managers â Curtis, Winsor, and Stephens (1989) †¢ 428 members of the American Society of Personnel Administrators in the United States †¢ (1) Skills needed to obtain employment †¢ (2) Skills important for successful job performance †¢ (3) Skills needed to move up in the organization Employment Verbal communication Listening
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Who Is The Most Admirable Act - 1148 Words
Deco, an ambitious and prideful man, whose life gives a 360 degree change. Possesses several careers titles, luxurious life, and expensive super model girlfriend; but loses everything overnight. His journey from South Beach to El Portal, taught him how to â€Å"work hard†. With the guidance of his mentor Dupont, he learned that everything in live is not money or possessions, but to earned and cherished life through every obstacle. Although Deco started as a naà ¯ve young man that never damaged his pure and clean hands with that thing called work. He managed to stand up and walk away from struggle. In this unpredictable world, we fall and give up many times. Yet, the most admirable act is those that start over, not matter the circumstances. His journey has taught me that there is compassion in this world. With the help of people like the farmers, Lazaro, and Mambo; he found strength to keep moving forward. In wynwood, Deco struggled to adapt to a new world. There weren’t room service, luxurious penthouse, or hybrid car. Now stuck in a small studio, he learned the hard way to create a new life. Later, distractions and necessity lead him to making wrong decisions. Involved in the drug dealing mafia, Chichi helps him to get back on track. Yet, doubtful and lost in Coconut Grove, Deco finds a real job, where he doesn’t last long. Out of place, he is still searching for identity. A true passion, which could lead him out of depression. Soon, he departs to Homestead in search for theShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes The Best Type Of Person Is The Most Honest And Good?1358 Words  | 6 Pagesaround justice. The best type of person is an admirable one. The capability to learn lessons and gain mental and physical strength while undergoing a hardship is what it means to be admirable. An admirable person is able to act with justice because they have gone through hardships and have evolve d their character to be self-aware Gilgamesh is the most honest and good because he comes to recognize himself, who he was, and who he wishes to be. As a king who not only witness’s death, but suffers and grievesRead MoreEssay about Proctor as an Admirable Character in MIllers The Crucible961 Words  | 4 PagesProctor as an Admirable Character in MIllers The Crucible During the play, there are many things revealed about the character of John Proctor. It appears, overall, that he is admirable, as the question suggests, but Proctor displays a good deal of qualities and shows signs of weakness and anger. He seems a very passionate man, though occasionally his admirable actions could be misinterpreted as him being stubborn. For example at the end of the play when, Proctor refusesRead MoreAntigone is an admirable character. 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It was quite hard for me to find admirable characters within Voltaires Candide, all of the characters seemed to do harm to one another in some way. AlthoughRead MoreJohn Proctor Character Analysis986 Words  | 4 PagesAdmirable: a word which is used to describe someone whose actions exceed societys moral standards. In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, John Proctor is an honorable man whose sin of adultery troubles him, but still sacrifices his life to end the unreasonable prosecution of the people in Salem. He is the most admirable man in the play because he consistently holds his pride despite the litigations against him, which gives him the power to stand up for his beliefs and help others in need.           JohnRead MoreCandide Character Analysis1452 Words  | 6 Pagesthe cruelty in the world. While looking back on the book I couldnt think of many characters that displayed admirable qualities. Even though Pangloss stuck to his views that everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds, which is admirable, he is stupid and naive to still believe this after everything he and his family goes through. It was quite hard for me to find admirable characters within Voltaires Candide, all of the characters seemed to do harm to one another in some way.Read MoreA Glint of Light in the Dark1470 Words  | 6 Pagesphilosopher Niccolà ² Machiavelli describes in his work, The Qualities of the Prince as, â€Å"they are ungrateful, fickle, simulators and deceivers, avoiders of danger greedy for gain (46).†From this analysis we can see that we all have our less than admirable qualities, some people are greedy, some egotistical, an d others envious. I confess that I have dealt with these and I know that I am by no means perfect. So, where do these feelings stem from? It is from our natural born instinct of self-preservationRead MoreDesire In The Symposium1508 Words  | 7 PagesIn Plato’s The Symposium, a group of well-versed men consider philosophical arguments, specifically regarding the role desire plays in a virtuous life. As academics and philosophers who hold high rank in the social system of ancient Greece, these men are praised for their wisdom and eloquence. One such philosopher, Pausanias, gives a speech early in the text that addresses desire as a multifaceted concept, setting the tone for the novel. The Bhagavad-Gita, an ancient Indian text that is much reveredRead MoreMacbeth Is a Villain in Whom There Is Little to Admire. Do You Think This Is a Satisfactory Comment on Macbeth? **Using Textual Evidence**1733 Words  | 7 Pagesdownfall is what the witches had dishonesty masqueraded, a nd thus Macbeths character flaw had provoked the events happening. Moreover, although Macbeth had committed many awful and unforgivable deeds, within him, is the guilt and remorse for those people who were his victims. Many times he have had questioned himself whether what he was doing was right, showing how there is compassion within him. Ambition and determination is the major driving force for Macbeth and his ‘villain deeds. Although as the playRead MoreCritical Analysis Of Richard Cory820 Words  | 4 PagesThe poem â€Å"Richard Cory†is Robinson’s famous poem about a man named Richard Cory who was outwardly wealthy and admirable to many. The poem adopts an overly narrative style. Through this style, the poet is able to detail of the life and timesof Robinson Cory as a loner of the upper social class in America. It is a tale of internal conflict and dissatisfaction experienced by a man who everybody admired. The personadescribes him using finest terms such as ‘gentleman’ to denote of how people of the lower
Global local fashion Free Essays
The jackets has elements of a suit collar with peaked lapels, which indicates a tailored easing as well as a crinoline assisting with the shape of the dress which is originally a Western fashion element. (Radon, 2009) Hampton is one of the Japanese designers best understood in the West as he never deviates far from Western culture context. (AFAIK 2005: 23) â€Å"The image that exotic cultures have of themselves is often determined by the dominant West. We will write a custom essay sample on Global local fashion or any similar topic only for you Order Now †(Tennessee 2005:11) Countries that are non- Western have an auto-exotic gaze about their own culture and what constitutes as their own tradition. An â€Å"exotic†product is created by these non-western countries by coking through the eyes of the Western society to see what is perceived as being traditional and exotic to them and then offered back to the West. (Tennessee 2005:11) Abandoning color in favor of monochrome shades in the designs of both Mistake and Hampton in an expression of Japanese aesthetic roots known as â€Å"WBI Saba. †(AFAIK 2005:19) This Japanese tradition as well as dominantly making use of black in their designs is evident in Hammock’s autumn/ winter 2010 collection. This expression of WBI Saba led to the minimalist trend of the asses which is still visible n their collections of 2010 for Hampton considering the lack of color and Mistake’s 2011 collection due to the very simplistic design of the black undergarments and the clean lines of the paper folded architectural designs as the main focus. (AFAIK, 2005) The models were even styled in a minimalist manner with pulled back hair and white faces with no makeup applied. Mistake creates a different authentic milieu by commenting on the reclassification of the kimono through his work. While it keeps the continent in style, click ©s are inevitable. †Innings, 2011:14) European designers choose elements of African fashion for example fabrics or colors without necessarily having knowledge of the value. African designers have now been contributing to the evolution of their culture by using their own heritage as design inspiration and they have been recognized for this by creating contemporary versions of their traditional crafts. Innings, 2011: 14) Western styles being used in African designs today can be seen as a creative adoption rather than a capitulation. Roving, 2009: 135) Western elements in the Black Coffee fashion installation includes the use of fabric to create a Victorian sass’s bustle as well as accentuated waists – commenting on Western corset, giving these designs a Western inspired feel. (McGinnis, 2010) Western aesthetics consists of making use of drapes to mask imperfections of the body. Flawless drapes are used in creating a pe rfect, beautiful skin. (AFAIK 2005:23) Black Coffee mastered the art of draping fabric perfectly with no flaw or overlap in his 2009 design, contributing to the Western idea of fashion aesthetics. An Imaginary idea of African fashion in the Black Coffee 2009 collection can be found in the Jewelry insisting of long necklaces made out of bulky, round objects which resembles African beads. These beads showcase the imaginary perception of African Jewelry. (Aquanaut, 2013) The Indian design industry caters for the modern Indian women who can be seen as dressing in â€Å"fusion style†by mixing traditional Indian clothing items like the Sari and current trends. They have their own tradition embedded in their style but are interested in following international trends at the same time which can be seen in color, style as well as details. This fusion style will however still be noninsured ethnic by the West. (Tennessee 2005:11) Mannish Roar is an example of an Indian designer who recognized this need for global-local fashion and creates designs as a global brand which consists of Western tastes and international trends with Indian detailing, patterns and design elements giving the designs an â€Å"exotic aura. (Tennessee 2005:11) Roar incorporated the global-local notion in his autumn/ winter 2009 collection by referencing the plains of Africa, Amazonian rainforest’s as well as the Indian Jungles. Roar exaggerates the perception of an exotic product which is offered back to the West, by making use of super-sampling which is known as creating a random collection of styles into one eclectic collection as he incorporates different culture s. (AFAIK, 2005) Tennessee cites that India is an excellent example of a combined fashion relationship between indigenous culture and Western fashion. Roar has often been referred to as â€Å"the Gilligan of the East†as he also draws inspiration from different cultures all over the world. (Tennessee 2005: 19) Mistake, renowned for his research in textile technology, strongly supported he technological Japanese textile industry concerning the usage of â€Å"lightweight, wrinkle-free and reasonably priced†fabric. (AFAIK 2005:25) Mistake goes to say that: â€Å"There are no boundaries of what clothes can be made of. Anything can be clothing. †(English, 2005) Japanese designers put great emphasis on fabric technology. How to cite Global local fashion, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Natural Disasters Essays - Linguistics, Meteorology,
Natural Disasters Devastating is only one word that you can use to describe what a natural disaster is like. In "The Perfect Storm" by Sebastian Junger and "Super Disasters of the 21st Century," by Jacqueline Adams and Ken Kostel, the authors use many different strategies to describe the causes and effects of natural disasters. Three of the main techniques are as followed; text structure, choice of vocabulary, and data/details. Text structure is one way that authors show a cause and effect relationship. This is used in "Super Disasters of the 21st Century" and "The Perfect Storm." In "Super Disasters of the 21st Century," there is a subheading that says Hurricane Katrina followed by the sentence, "Hurricane Katrina was one of the most costliest hurricanes in U.S. history." That shows that the text is structured in a subheading format to show the transition from one topic to another. In "The Perfect Storm" Junger uses text structure when he says, "You see so much bad weather that you kinda get used to it. But then you see really bad weather and that, you never get used to." Sebastian Junger uses lines from Captain Johnston, and then he transitions to what he thinks and interpreted from the storm. Those were two examples of how authors use text structure when describing cause and effect. The authors of "Super Disasters of the 21st Century," and "The Perfect Storm," have a very good choice of vocabulary, which is another technique of cause and effect relationships. In "Super Disasters of the 21st Century," it says, "the most catastrophic event so far in this century occurred in 2004." The use of the word catastrophic shows emphasis on how bad it is. In "The Perfect Storm" it says, "They heaved a half ton boulder in the air 90 feet high." That shows how strong the waves were and it's dramatic effect. Vocabulary plays an important part in cause and effect relationships. For example, (going back to "Super Disasters of the 21st Century") when the author uses the word catastrophic it grabs the reader's attention and makes him/her interested. If the author had used the word awful, it probably wouldn't have grabbed the reader's attention as much. Lastly, data is another technique that can be used for cause and effect relationships. In both the articles that are written by Sebastian Junger, Jacqueline Adams, and Ken Kostel there is a lot of data being used. In "Super Disasters of the 21st Century" it says, "a piece of the Eurasian plate about 600 miles long and 60 miles wide pushed up as much as 30 feet." That shows how the tsunami had an impact on Indonesia and all of the bordering cities. In "The Perfect Storm" it says, "wave heights off of England have risen an average of 25% over the past couple decades, which converts to 20 foot increase in the highest waves." That shows the intensity of the storm, and makes it engaging to the reader. In conclusion, the article "The Perfect Storm" by Sebastian Junger, and "Super Disasters of the 21st Century" by Jacqueline Adams and Ken Kostel, the authors use many different strategies to describe a cause and effect relationship. Some of those strategies are text structure, vocabulary, and data. Text structure is important because it gives you an idea of what's going on. Vocabulary is important because it grabs the reader's attention. Finally, data is important because it interests the reader. Those were some techniques used in cause and effect relationships.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Jackson vs. Avery Duels Essay Example
Jackson vs. Avery Duels Essay Example Jackson vs. Avery Duels Essay Jackson vs. Avery Duels Essay Andrew Jackson and Waighstill Avery, both of them lawyers, at one point found themselves in a predicament of honor that required that they engage in a duel. Like Hamilton’s feelings toward Burr, both parties, apparently, did not bear the sort of ill-wishes against their opponents that would necessitate violence, however, and both men agreed to fire into the air. The mutual distaste for actually murdering their opponent kept this duel from achieving the tragic result of the Hamilton vs. Burr affair. The Jackson vs. Avery duel erupted under predicable circumstances. Avery and Jackson were having a dispute over a book which Avery considered to be an authority on law, Bacon’s Abridgement, which Jackson criticized harshly. Avery implied that Jackson had not the requisite knowledge to criticize any book to which Jackson replied that at least he had the good sense to not accept legal fees. Insults over knowledge and competence in one’s profession, apparently delivered in a rather sarcastic manner, led to the duel being taken up as a remedy (Arthur, 1914).
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Topics for a Research Paper
Topics for a Research Paper Topics for a Research Paper Topics for a Research Paper Of course, you need to start your research paper writing with the choice of the topic. While choosing research paper topics you should take into account the following recommendations. Research paper topic should be of interest to you. Research paper writing on the completely uninteresting topic turns into forced work and, as a result, does not lead to good grade. You can use college research paper topics available at any faculty to choose your own research paper topic. Nowadays, in an attempt to solve the problem of rampant research paper plagiarism, some advisers give students the topic or specific problem for the study in their own wording. It is a very good solution because among those research paper topics you can easily find the one you are interested the most. Eventually, in "adult" life you have to do what you need, not what you want. For example, members of university faculties periodically write research papers on different topics, so, you can always find something for your own research paper writing among their works. There should be sufficient literature on the chosen topic. Therefore, it is the best to take the first few attractive to you research paper topics, and then examine the library catalogs, and finally choose the one that suits you the most. The available literature on the topic should be sufficiently comprehensible to you - it should not be written in too "featured" language. Sure, it depends on your intelligence; you might be able to read complex texts. This ability is formed by research paper writers in the process of education. Research Paper Ideas In formulating the topic, you make an application for a specific result. If you will not give the desired content of "stuffing", your work will be totally in vain. Thus, while writing research paper, it is important to avoid too broad or too narrow topics. In the first case, you will be expected to assume an unbearable task, risking not to meet the due date and standard text sizes. In the second case, you will probably not be able to find a necessary number of sources (there should be at least ten sources in the bibliography). However, a narrower wording of the college research paper topic is still preferable to a broad one, because the quality of the content of the English research paper is valued significantly higher than the number of pages filled with text. .com Feel lost in topics for a research paper? Do not panic, we are here to help you with research paper writing. We deliver only custom written research papers and we are never late with essay delivery. It is much easier to become a good student with our help. Do not hesitate to contact us to get professional custom essay writing help.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Shared Practice Evaluation Methods Part II Assignment
Shared Practice Evaluation Methods Part II - Assignment Example soda is concerned, I strongly believe that you could have chosen at least two of the alternatives instead of wanting to use all of them at one point or the other. This notwithstanding, it is a good thing that you recognized that there will be different stages of decision making and thus the need to diversify your decision making tools.  Hello John, it is great to read about how you identify instances where each of the decision making tools is relevant and the advantages and limitations that come with each of them. I have always believed that companies have failed in the implementation of decision making on investments because they refuse to weigh out their options very well. This is because in most cases, the companies overly rely on the advantage that a particular decision making tool would bring without looking at possible disadvantages. But as stressed by quote (year), it is very important that at every point in time, decision making will be made around whether the company’s priority is with time value of money or with the quantitative outcomes from investment. Regarding your current project, I believe it is a very good thing that you decided to select only two methods which are discounted payback and NPV. With such specification, you will be able to stay focused on the monitoring of your
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Reflection - Coursework Example Undoubtedly, I shall have mastered the art of writing to not just for the sake of communication, but meeting the preset goals and objectives of the writing. This will definitely be useful for future career as an English literature teacher, besides putting me above board, especially in competitive and multicultural working environments. Meeting the workplace goals and objectives usually require dedication, efficiency, and creative thinking hence the relevance of intensive and diverse writing skills coupled with verbal impeccable oral communication skills. Moreover, the situational analysis of various research papers, proposals, journals articles among others would definitely be become part of my achievements in this noble but essential Course. Sincerely speaking, I have always taken â€Å"writing very lightly owing to the perception and misconception of its simplicity†(Murray and Krueger 34). This is because of the preformed mindset that nearly all writings are always done in one language except a few which might as well be forfeited. In addition, writing the proposed reflective paper on the required changes expected of the Arizona University transport system would enhance my analytical skills. I therefore expect that more opportunities on strategic planning, project management endowed with modern technological advancements would eventually be opened my way. The ethical and social skills will undeniably be the underpinning value of the noble reflective witting Course. Prior to taking this reflective Course, I used to be very afraid of undertaking any kind of writing until I was challenged by my instructor. My instructor challenged me to make proposal on the required â€Å"changes that need to be effected to the Arizona University Transport system†(Murray and Krueger 27). The instructor basically expounded on the topic by giving me only the insights of what I was expected to ensure rare addressed in my proposal. However, I
Friday, January 24, 2020
Camille Paglias Rape and the Modern Sex War Essay -- essays research
Camille Paglia's Rape and the Modern Sex War Camille Paglia writes the article, Rape and the Modern Sex War, which is about young women being vulnerable in today’s society against rape and how feminism has mistakenly led women to believe that they aren’t in any danger. Paglia states her opinion to women because she believes â€Å"that women are vulnerable and should be aware of the pervasiveness of rape†(83) all the time. Rape has been around for hundreds of years and the effects it has on women are life long terrifying memories. Paglia speaks to women saying that they should be ready for these situations and not be with a group of guys alone, always be with other girlfriends, and learn to take feminism out of the picture and realize that women will always be in danger.           In Paglia’s article, which I believe is a critical opinion informing women of her beliefs on sexuality, speaks mostly to college women and women in general because she believes that women should be prepared for sexual situations without consent in all circumstances no matter who they are. This is her first step in arguing her point of view on feminism, which I agree with. She wants her audience to see her point that a woman’s actions can also be held accountable in some rape situations. When a woman is by herself with a group of men getting drunk, she has put her own self in a very risky situation because she is drunk and has no control of herself and the likeliness of rape is very possible. Paglia believes that a woman should always have control of her actions all                                                                                                               2 the time and not to blame men for it is biologically programmed in their heads that they hunt, pursue, and capture, and this is said throughout their sex history (83-84).      The second part of Paglia’s argument is how she thinks misinterpretations are the women’s fault and I disagree with this point because women can walk and talk just as men and are not always to blame for being the victim. Paglia believes that feminism doesn’t see that sexual desires can be seen in how we act which means that these desires throughout our body cannot always be verbally said and this is where the miscommunication between the two sexes causes a problem. She thinks that when a woman makes a mistake she should face t... ... an attitude,                                                        4 which is firm and not a self - pitying one, which many feminist women possess, Paglia states.      Paglia didn’t use any key terms or metaphors in her article, but she uses the word feminism many times showing that men and women have equal rights, but in truth this is not correct. Men and women have some equal rights, but women are looked on as a lower standard when compared to men, and I believe this will never change.      Paglia uses different examples throughout the story and puts her thoughts into an informative essay that explains that women should be aware of what they do and learn from their mistakes regarding opposite sexual tensions and that actions aren’t always spoken but are acted sometimes because of her belief that there is that implanted part of a man which can be dangerous, which Paglia thinks is just part of a man’s identity. When a woman realizes the subject of rape and feminism is not thought of, two identities can be identified and with self control and awareness both a man and a woman can have a relationship in which each partner takes full responsibility of his or her actions.    Â
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Grammar Test
Tenses 1) I’m busy at the moment. ~ on the computer. a) I work b) I’m work c) I’m working d) I working 2) My friend ~ the answer to the question. a) is know b) know c) knowing d) knows 3) I think I’ll buy these shoes. ~ really well. a) They fit b) They have fit c) They’re fitting d) They were fitting 4) Where ~ the car? a) did you park b) did you parked c) parked you d) you parked 5) At nine o’clock yesterday morning we ~ for the bus. a) wait b) waiting c) was waiting d) were waiting 6) When I looked round the door, the baby ~ quietly. a) is sleeping b) slept c) was sleeping d) were sleeping 7) Here’s my report. it at last. a) I finish b) I finished c) I’m finished d) I’ve finished 8) I’ve ~ made some coffee. It’s in the kitchen. a) ever b) just c) never d) yet 9) We ~ to Ireland for our holidays last year. a) goes b) going c) have gone d) went 10) Robert ~ ill for three weeks. He’s still in hospit al. a) had been b) has been c) is d) was 11) My arms are aching now because ~ since two o’clock. a) I’m swimming b) I swam c) I swim d) I’ve been swimming 12) I’m very tired. ~ over four hundred miles today. a) I drive b) I’m driving c) I had been driving d) I’ve driven 13) When Martin ~ the car, he took it out for a drive. ) had repaired b) has repaired c) repaired d) was repairing 14) Janet was out of breath because ~ a) she’d been running b) she did run c) she’s been running d) she’s run 15) Don’t worry. I ~ be here to help you. a) not b) will c) willn’t d) won’t 16) Our friends ~ meet us at the airport tonight. a) are b) are going to c) go to d) will be to 17) ~ a party next Saturday. We’ve sent out the invitations. a) We had b) We have c) We’ll have d) We’re having 18) I’ll tell Anna all the news when ~ her. a) I’ll see b) I’m going to see c) I see d) I shall see 19) At this time tomorrow ~ over the Atlantic. ) we flying b) we’ll be flying c) we’ll fly d) we to fly 20) Where’s Robert? ~ a shower? a) Does he have b) Has he c) Has he got d) Is he having 21) I ~ like that coat. It’s really nice. a) am b) do c) very d) yes Questions, negatives and answers 22) What’s the weather like in Canada? How often ~ there? a) does it snow b) does it snows c) snow it d) snows it 23) Which team ~ the game? a) did it win b) did they win c) won d) won it 24) What did you leave the meeting early ~? – I didn’t feel very well. a) away b) because c) for d) like 25) Unfortunately the driver ~ the red light. ) didn’t saw b) didn’t see c) no saw d) saw not 26) You haven’t eaten your pudding. ~ it? a) Are you no want b) Do you no want c) Don’t want you d) Don’t you want 27) I really enjoyed the disco. It was great, ~? a) is it b) isn’t it c) was it d) wasnâ€℠¢t it 28) Are we going the right way? – I think ~. a) indeed b) it c) so d) yes Modal verbs 29) The chemist’s was open, so luckily I ~ buy some aspirin. a) can b) can’t c) did can d) was able to 30) Susan has to work very hard. I ~ do her job, I’m sure. a) can’t b) couldn’t c) don’t d) shouldn’t 31) We had a party last night. ~ spend all morning clearing up the mess. ) I must have b) I’ve been to c) I’ve had to d) I’ve must 32) There was no one else at the box office. I ~ in a queue. a) didn’t need to wait b) mustn’t wait c) needn’t have waited d) needn’t wait 33) ~ I carry that bag for you? – Oh, thank you. a) Do b) Should c) Will d) Would 34) I’ve lost the key. I ought ~ it in a safe place. a) that I put b) to be putting c) to have put d) to putting Passive 35) We can’t go along here because the road is ~. a) been repaired b) being repaired c) repair d)à ‚ repaired 36) The story I’ve just read ~ Agatha Christie. a) was written b) was written by ) was written from d) wrote 37) Some film stars ~ be difficult to work with. a) are said b) are said to c) say d) say to 38) I’m going to go out and ~. a) have cut my hair b) have my hair cut c) let my hair cut d) my hair be cut Infinitive and Gerund 39) The driver was arrested for failing ~ an accident. a) of report b) report c) reporting d) to report 40) Someone suggested ~ for a walk. a) go b) going c) of going d) to go 41) I can remember ~ voices in the middle of the night. a) hear b) heard c) hearing d) to hear 42) The police wants ~ anything suspicious. a) that we report b) us reporting ) us to report d) we report 43) We weren’t sure ~ or just walk in. a) should knock b) to knock c) whether knock d) whether to knock 44) It was too cold ~ outside. a) for the guests eating b) for the guests to eat c) that the guests should eat d) that the guests eat 45) Did you congr atulate Tessa ~ her exam? a) of passing b) on passing c) passing d) to pass 46) I didn’t like it in the city at first. But now ~ here. a) I got used to live b) I’m used to living c) I used to live d) I used to living 47) They raised the money simply ~ for it. It was easy. a) asking b) by asking c) of asking d) with asking 8) As we walked past, we saw Nigel ~ his car. a) in washing b) to wash c) wash d) washing Nouns and articles 49) I need to buy ~. a) a bread b) a loaf bread c) a loaf of bread d) breads 50) My father is not only the town mayor, he runs ~ too. a) a business b) a piece of business c) business d) some business 51) The ~ produced at our factory in Scotland. a) good are b) good is c) goods are d) goods is 52) I’m looking for ~ to cut this string. a) a pair scissors b) a scissor c) a scissors d) some scissors 53) I was watching TV at home when suddenly ~ rang. a) a doorbell b) an doorbell c) doorbell ) the doorbell 54) I’ve alwa ys liked ~. a) Chinese food b) food of China c) some food of China d) the Chinese food 55) In England most children go ~ at the age of five. a) school b) to school c) to some schools d) to the school 56) We haven’t had a holiday for ~ time. a) a so long b) so a long c) such a long d) such long 57) Our friends have a house in ~. a) a West London b) the West London c) West London d) West of London Miscellaneous 58) It’s so boring here. Nothing ever happens in ~ place. a) that b) these c) this d) those 59) Is that my key, or is it ~? a) the yours b) the your’s c) your d) yours 0) Adrian takes no interest in clothes. He’ll wear ~. a) a thing b) anything c) something d) thing 61) There’s ~ use in complaining. They probably won’t do anything about it. a) a few b) a little c) few d) little 62) I don’t want to buy any of these books. I’ve got ~. a) all b) all them c) everything d) them all Pronouns 63) Let’s stop and have a coff ee. ~ a cafe over there, look! a) Is b) It’s c) Them d) There’s 64) Everyone in the group shook hands with ~. a) each other b) one other c) one the other d) themselves 65) The washing-machine has broken down again. I think we should get ~. ) a new b) a new one c) new d) new one 66) All the guests were dancing. ~ having a good time. a) All were b) Every was c) Everyone was d) Someone were Adjectives and adverbs 67) The house was ~ building. a) a nice old stone b) a nice stone old c) a stone old nice d) an old nice stone 68) The government is doing nothing to help ~. a) poor b) the poor c) the poors d) the poor ones 69) The young man seems very ~. a) sensible b) sensiblely c) sensibley d) sensibly 70) I ~ missed the bus. I was only just in time to catch it. a) mostly b) near c) nearest d) nearly . 71) This detailed map is ~ the atlas. ) more useful as b) more useful than c) usefuller as d) usefuller than 72) This place gets ~ crowded with tourists every summer. a) always more b) crowded and more c) from more to more d) more and more 73) Yes, I have got the report. ~ it. a) I just am reading b) I’m just reading c) I’m reading just d) Just I’m reading 74) I’ve read this paragraph three times, and I ~ understand it. a) can’t still b) can’t yet c) still can’t d) yet can’t 75) Sorry, we regret what happened ~. a) a bit b) much c) very d) very much Prepositions 76) The village is ~ Sheffield. It’s only six miles away. ) along b) by c) near d) next 77) You can see the details ~ the computer screen. a) at b) by c) in d) on 78) I’ve got a meeting ~ Thursday afternoon. a) at b) in c) on d) to 79) We’ve lived in this flat ~ five years. a) ago b) already c) for d) since 80) This car is ~ if you’re interested in buying it. a) for sale b) in sale c) on sale d) to sell 81) Polly wants to cycle round the world. She’s really keen ~ the idea. a) about b) for c) on d) with 82) I prefer dogs ~ cats. I hate cats. a) from b) before c) than d) to 83) My father used the money he won to set ~ his own company. a) forward b) on c) out d) up 4) Don’t go too fast. I can’t keep ~ you. a) on to b) on with c) up to d) up with Reported speech 85) Someone ~ the tickets are free. a) said me b) said me that c) told me d) told to me 86) Last week Justin said â€Å"I’ll do it tomorrow. †He said he would do it ~. a) the following day b) the previous day c) tomorrow d) yesterday 87) I don’t know why Nancy didn’t go to the meeting. She said she ~ definitely going. a) be b) is c) was d) would 88) The librarian asked us ~ so much noise. a) don’t make b) not make c) not making d) not to make Relative clauses 89) What’s the name of the man ~ gave us a lift? ) he b) what c) which d) who 90) What was that notice ~? a) at that you were looking b) you were looking at c) you were looking at it d) which you were looking 91) Sus an is the woman ~ husband is in hospital. a) her b) hers the c) whose d) whose the 92) York, ~ last year, is a nice old city. a) I visited b) that I visited c) which I visited d) whom I visited 93) The accident was seen by some people ~ at a bus stop. a) waited b) waiting c) were waiting d) who waiting Conditional sentences and wishes 94) If I ~ my passport, I’ll be in trouble. a) lose b) will lose c) lost d) would lose 95) I haven’t got a ticket.If ~ one, I could get in. a) I’d have b) I had c) I have d) I’ve got 96) If the bus to the airport hadn’t been so late, we ~ the plane. a) caught b) had caught c) would catch d) would have caught 97) If only people ~ keep sending me bills! a) don’t b) shouldn’t c) weren’t d) wouldn’t Linking words 98) I just had to take the dog out ~ of the awful weather. a) although b) despite c) even though d) in spite 99) Anna put the electric fire on ~ warm. a) for getting b) in order get c) so she gets d) to get 100) ~ I didn’t feel well, I went to school. a) Because b) Nevertheless c) And d) Although
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
australia Essay example - 1484 Words
*Geography* Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. It lies in the Southern Hemisphere between 11 ° and 44 ° south latitude and 113 ° and 154 ° east longitude. The entire area of land is about the same size as the continental United States, or about one and a half times the size of Europe. The mainland of Australia has an area of 2,967,909 square miles. The country is divided into six states: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia. The geological activity that created the country’s mountains, plains, and rivers ceased millions of years ago. Earthquakes are very rare and the last volcanic eruption occurred more than 5,000 years ago. The highest mountain in Australia, Mount†¦show more content†¦The majority of these people are of Caucasian descent, although there are many other ethnic groups. There is no dominant religion in Australia. As of July 2002, 26.1% are Anglican, 26% are Roman Catholic, 24.3% are another Christian religion, and 11% are non-Christian. The most used language of Australia is English, however, there are a variety of other native languages that are still used today. *Government* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Australia’s form of government has been described as a constitutional monarchy, in which the queen of England is the nominal head of state. In the federal government, power rests with the elected political party that holds the majority in the House of Representatives. The leader is the prime minister. The Senate consists of 76 members who are elected every six years. The House of Representatives has 147 members and they face elections every three years. Any laws that involve changes to the Constitution must be decided by a referendum in which the country’s citizens are called to vote on whether or not they want such changes to take place. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the regional government, each of Australia’s states is administered by a parliament, which consists of a legislative council, and a legislative assembly. The premier is the leader of the political party dominating the legislative assembly. Each state runs its own schools and hospitals, administers its own laws, and has its own police force.Show MoreRelatedAustralia1012 Words  | 5 Pagesalways dreamed of visiting and living is Australia. Whenever I see Australia on TV everything looks beautiful. The people seem very friendly and warm. Culturally it seems like a good fit for me because the people are pretty easy going and so am I. 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Very few coastal areas receive enough rainfall to support a large population. The largest group of Australian people live in two largeRead MoreImmigration in Australia3348 Words  | 14 PagesA Baptist policy on immigration and asylum seekers The world currently faces a global refugee crisis with up to 40 million displaced people (the majority of whom are women and children). Australia currently accepts around 13,750 refugees each year as part of total planned annual immigration of around 182,000 people. This paper identifies social and political problems relating to asylum seekers and refugees. It examines the biblical teaching on a responsible Christian approach to asylum seekersRead MoreAustralia s International Relations Between Australia And Japan1234 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Today Australia is one of the most ethnically diverse societies in the world. 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However there was another reason for his choice of the Southern CrossRead MoreImmigration And Immigration Of Australia1276 Words  | 6 Pageshave come to Australia as new immigrants and they had a marked influence on all aspects of society. In the 50 years Australia has welcomed about 5.9 millions of migrants comprising about 3.1 million males and 2.8 million females (Queensland Govt., n.d). More than 599 000 people have arrived under humanitarian programs, initially as displaced persons and more recently as refugees. Statistics from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship reported that during th is same period in Australia, approximatelyRead MoreIs Australia a Racist Country?1091 Words  | 5 PagesRacism is discrimination or abusive behaviour towards another race or religion. 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