Thursday, May 21, 2020
Native American Storytelling Lit Paper - 1214 Words
Native American Storytelling November 12, 2012 ENG/301 Native American Storytelling Native American literature is the root of cultural storytelling, which is told through oral tradition, this consist of stories and songs verbally. Native American literature use literary conventions in the root of myth and symbolic examples in storytelling. The book â€Å"Native American Literature: A Brief Introduction and Anthology†gives good insight into the Native American ways of life and how storytelling is a part of that life. Short stories by Simon Oritz and Luther Standing Bear share life experience and cultural diversity. The reader can see how historical, social and political, and cultural ways play a role in the Native Americans storytelling.†¦show more content†¦252). Tricksters come in many forms â€Å"such as Raven, Spider and Coyote are characters in Native American mythology who represent the underside of human nature†(Sinnaeve, 2012). â€Å"In this literary critical context, a trickster uses sleight of hand and tongue to evade, manipulate, and subvert the colonial world†(Cox, 2005, p. 252). In the poem â€Å"My Father’s Song†written by Simon Ortiz, the poem speaks of the importance of creation. The creation of life, land, and plantation, the story is about a boy who is learning to planet corn. â€Å"We planted corn one spring at Acu – we planted several times but this one particular time I remember the soft damp sand in my hand†(Ortiz, 1981/1995, p. 260). Within the field the boy and his father found a nest of mice, the father showed the boy how to gentle pick them up, and take them to the end â€Å"of the field and put them in the shade†(Ortiz, 1981/1995, p. 260). The purpose of literary conventions in storytelling helps to educate the new generation, â€Å"These stories have been carried down orally for generations, often by parents teaching their children about fundamental cultural truths†(Sinnaeve, 2012). The Native American people went through many changes throughout history, social and political, and cultural events. A social and political event was the education of young Native Americans. In 1879, many Native American children wereShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesRESPONDENTS †¢ FOCUS â Luthans, Rosenkrantz, and Hennessey (1985) †¢ 52 managers in 3 organizations †¢ Participant observation of skills demonstrated by most effective versus least effective managers â Curtis, Winsor, and Stephens (1989) †¢ 428 members of the American Society of Personnel Administrators in the United States †¢ (1) Skills needed to obtain employment †¢ (2) Skills important for successful job performance †¢ (3) Skills needed to move up in the organization Employment Verbal communication Listening
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Who Is The Most Admirable Act - 1148 Words
Deco, an ambitious and prideful man, whose life gives a 360 degree change. Possesses several careers titles, luxurious life, and expensive super model girlfriend; but loses everything overnight. His journey from South Beach to El Portal, taught him how to â€Å"work hard†. With the guidance of his mentor Dupont, he learned that everything in live is not money or possessions, but to earned and cherished life through every obstacle. Although Deco started as a naà ¯ve young man that never damaged his pure and clean hands with that thing called work. He managed to stand up and walk away from struggle. In this unpredictable world, we fall and give up many times. Yet, the most admirable act is those that start over, not matter the circumstances. His journey has taught me that there is compassion in this world. With the help of people like the farmers, Lazaro, and Mambo; he found strength to keep moving forward. In wynwood, Deco struggled to adapt to a new world. There weren’t room service, luxurious penthouse, or hybrid car. Now stuck in a small studio, he learned the hard way to create a new life. Later, distractions and necessity lead him to making wrong decisions. Involved in the drug dealing mafia, Chichi helps him to get back on track. Yet, doubtful and lost in Coconut Grove, Deco finds a real job, where he doesn’t last long. Out of place, he is still searching for identity. A true passion, which could lead him out of depression. Soon, he departs to Homestead in search for theShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes The Best Type Of Person Is The Most Honest And Good?1358 Words  | 6 Pagesaround justice. The best type of person is an admirable one. The capability to learn lessons and gain mental and physical strength while undergoing a hardship is what it means to be admirable. 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Global local fashion Free Essays
The jackets has elements of a suit collar with peaked lapels, which indicates a tailored easing as well as a crinoline assisting with the shape of the dress which is originally a Western fashion element. (Radon, 2009) Hampton is one of the Japanese designers best understood in the West as he never deviates far from Western culture context. (AFAIK 2005: 23) â€Å"The image that exotic cultures have of themselves is often determined by the dominant West. We will write a custom essay sample on Global local fashion or any similar topic only for you Order Now †(Tennessee 2005:11) Countries that are non- Western have an auto-exotic gaze about their own culture and what constitutes as their own tradition. An â€Å"exotic†product is created by these non-western countries by coking through the eyes of the Western society to see what is perceived as being traditional and exotic to them and then offered back to the West. (Tennessee 2005:11) Abandoning color in favor of monochrome shades in the designs of both Mistake and Hampton in an expression of Japanese aesthetic roots known as â€Å"WBI Saba. †(AFAIK 2005:19) This Japanese tradition as well as dominantly making use of black in their designs is evident in Hammock’s autumn/ winter 2010 collection. This expression of WBI Saba led to the minimalist trend of the asses which is still visible n their collections of 2010 for Hampton considering the lack of color and Mistake’s 2011 collection due to the very simplistic design of the black undergarments and the clean lines of the paper folded architectural designs as the main focus. (AFAIK, 2005) The models were even styled in a minimalist manner with pulled back hair and white faces with no makeup applied. Mistake creates a different authentic milieu by commenting on the reclassification of the kimono through his work. While it keeps the continent in style, click ©s are inevitable. †Innings, 2011:14) European designers choose elements of African fashion for example fabrics or colors without necessarily having knowledge of the value. African designers have now been contributing to the evolution of their culture by using their own heritage as design inspiration and they have been recognized for this by creating contemporary versions of their traditional crafts. Innings, 2011: 14) Western styles being used in African designs today can be seen as a creative adoption rather than a capitulation. Roving, 2009: 135) Western elements in the Black Coffee fashion installation includes the use of fabric to create a Victorian sass’s bustle as well as accentuated waists – commenting on Western corset, giving these designs a Western inspired feel. (McGinnis, 2010) Western aesthetics consists of making use of drapes to mask imperfections of the body. Flawless drapes are used in creating a pe rfect, beautiful skin. (AFAIK 2005:23) Black Coffee mastered the art of draping fabric perfectly with no flaw or overlap in his 2009 design, contributing to the Western idea of fashion aesthetics. An Imaginary idea of African fashion in the Black Coffee 2009 collection can be found in the Jewelry insisting of long necklaces made out of bulky, round objects which resembles African beads. These beads showcase the imaginary perception of African Jewelry. (Aquanaut, 2013) The Indian design industry caters for the modern Indian women who can be seen as dressing in â€Å"fusion style†by mixing traditional Indian clothing items like the Sari and current trends. They have their own tradition embedded in their style but are interested in following international trends at the same time which can be seen in color, style as well as details. This fusion style will however still be noninsured ethnic by the West. (Tennessee 2005:11) Mannish Roar is an example of an Indian designer who recognized this need for global-local fashion and creates designs as a global brand which consists of Western tastes and international trends with Indian detailing, patterns and design elements giving the designs an â€Å"exotic aura. (Tennessee 2005:11) Roar incorporated the global-local notion in his autumn/ winter 2009 collection by referencing the plains of Africa, Amazonian rainforest’s as well as the Indian Jungles. Roar exaggerates the perception of an exotic product which is offered back to the West, by making use of super-sampling which is known as creating a random collection of styles into one eclectic collection as he incorporates different culture s. (AFAIK, 2005) Tennessee cites that India is an excellent example of a combined fashion relationship between indigenous culture and Western fashion. Roar has often been referred to as â€Å"the Gilligan of the East†as he also draws inspiration from different cultures all over the world. (Tennessee 2005: 19) Mistake, renowned for his research in textile technology, strongly supported he technological Japanese textile industry concerning the usage of â€Å"lightweight, wrinkle-free and reasonably priced†fabric. (AFAIK 2005:25) Mistake goes to say that: â€Å"There are no boundaries of what clothes can be made of. Anything can be clothing. †(English, 2005) Japanese designers put great emphasis on fabric technology. How to cite Global local fashion, Essays
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